I really need help. So, A Leo man appeared in my life. He is 31 years old. I am 24. I did not plan anything regarding him, but he was texting me 2 weeks, four-five times a day. He made me laugh, have a lot of compliments, and made me interested in him. He sent me "Goodmorning" - every morning and Goodnight - till he went to sleep. He used to tell me that he is obsessed with me. After 2 weeks We met. I liked him really much. I think we did not have THE GREATEST date, but it was still good. I am a really pretty, confident woman, quite successful in some fields, popular in society and men. During our first date, Leo gave me several hints about the future of our relationship, also, he shared with me very personal things about his family, dreams, past, even about his first true love. While he was driving me home, he was singing to me love songs and ballads. He hugged me until I left the car. But... he didn't appear after the first date. He didn't get in touch with me, I texted him with (good) teasing and flirtation, if he was scared of me, he answered "No, Why are you asking?" and then just "seen" me on social media. He Stopped liking my pictures (He used to like every story and new pic) but continued seeing my stories (so strange). He does not text me anymore already 2 days. He just liked my new video-story today. That's all. I really think that he just didn't like me on the date. Maybe I am not his type. I have never had a relationship with Leo, So maybe you could tell me, why he acts so, and what should I do?