What to do??

So there is this guy I like that i met through a friend. We met a few months ago and we were both interested in eachother. He's been inviting me out, etc. I thought I was showing interest but apparantly i wasn't. Anyways, my friend and I were going to a party this past weekend. I invited him. He called up our mutual friend and asked if he could bring this girl he just met and asked if I liked him. My friend said that I did not like him like that and that would be fine to bring the girl. So he comes, flirts with me, etc. It was obvious he was interested. So much so that the girl he brought freaked out and my friend had to console her and assure her that this guy liked her and to not worry about me. The girl then went on to insult me and then throw herself at the guy the whole night, and at the end someone walked in on them making out. I was very upset and sent him an email the next day telling him that I could not believe he brought her and what he did and how hurtful it was to me since he knew I liked him. But apparantly he didn't bc after the fact I found out our mutual friend claims he did not know I liked this guy and had told him whenever it came up that i did not like him. Of course the guy never responded. I am just really shocked. I really have no idea what to do (if anything).