Virgo Sun+Moon man, I don't know what to do

Posted by SeaLion

My Virgo says he hates wishy washy women. He wants women to tell him what they want from him and he has no patience for women who don't vocalize what they want. He has no problem putting women in the friend zone.

From him and other Virgo men I have met... that seems to be a theme. Like they are more then willing to accommodate but they need to know what is expected of them. However, once you're in the friend zone it seems to be very hard to get out of it.

Note: my Virgo in particular is used to women throwing themselves at him. So he has no problem saying no when he isn't interested.
Yeah thats fair. But not much I can do when he doesn't want a relationship. Im 22 but I hate the talking stage, I hate the dating game as well. Its all BS!! Like dude you are either going to be with me or I'm going to stay single. Peace