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Posted by LiterallyStalinGkindness is even unnatural under the eye of virtue. coz it usually interferes in the 'natural order' of things. to protect, to save, to forgive outside of kin goes against nature.Posted by virgoOPPP
cap/cancer axis voices are the most comforting. i've always thought that sainthood and martyrdom are signs of a lack of morality. how can saints be 'virtuous' when they have no boundaries? to be so forgiving betrays a lack of true conviction. they stand for not standing for anything at all lol. faith has no boundaries.
but as for virtuous people being 'troublemakers,' i think it's more that people with a rigid set of morals and convictions ('high virtue' people) bring even greater trouble. saints and martyrs harm themselves more than they do others. but high virtue people who impose themselves and their 'morality' on other people are always more destructive.
Be good for goodness sake.
As kind as one can be but upon the foundation that you are kind to yourself because that image or reality you create about yourself is bound to manipulated by others if you don't pay no attention to it.
Most people don't. I'm talking about the you detached from the worldly labels we use to give some meaning to what our senses are trying to tell us. Mostly they fail to tell the whole picture.
A person has a right and a left brain. To say one is more important than the other is madness. So let them stay mad.
You mad bro?click to expand
Posted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by virgoOPPPPosted by LiterallyStalinGPosted by virgoOPPP
cap/cancer axis voices are the most comforting. i've always thought that sainthood and martyrdom are signs of a lack of morality. how can saints be 'virtuous' when they have no boundaries? to be so forgiving betrays a lack of true conviction. they stand for not standing for anything at all lol. faith has no boundaries.
but as for virtuous people being 'troublemakers,' i think it's more that people with a rigid set of morals and convictions ('high virtue' people) bring even greater trouble. saints and martyrs harm themselves more than they do others. but high virtue people who impose themselves and their 'morality' on other people are always more destructive.
Be good for goodness sake.
As kind as one can be but upon the foundation that you are kind to yourself because that image or reality you create about yourself is bound to manipulated by others if you don't pay no attention to it.
Most people don't. I'm talking about the you detached from the worldly labels we use to give some meaning to what our senses are trying to tell us. Mostly they fail to tell the whole picture.
A person has a right and a left brain. To say one is more important than the other is madness. So let them stay mad.
You mad bro?
kindness is even unnatural under the eye of virtue. coz it usually interferes in the 'natural order' of things. to protect, to save, to forgive outside of kin goes against nature.
i don't interfere with 'high virtue' people coz that's just my nature, being that i'm a mutable which obvi means i'm forgiving, low on morals and crush on mobsters.
An example of a dualistic realityclick to expand
Posted by bmoon8Posted by PuzzlePiecesPosted by bmoon8
Kittens has a Pisces moon, right?
Yep says it all 🤣
Most Pisces moons I have dealt with on Dxpnet don’t give it a good look. The only decent one was M. Makes me wary of them offline.click to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterScorp women love sex and passion, that's why i enjoy them so much .
Scorpio women seem to do better than Scorpio men in getting what they want from their opposite gender. At least it works for me. They can sweet talk me in to giving them money. Poor Scorpio men seem to be hard on their luck for some reason. And I know a few of them with a hard luck life![]()
That's all I got
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterUnless they are fire earth or air dom, Scorpio men can be too sensitive and don’t handle the water element too well....
Scorpio women seem to do better than Scorpio men in getting what they want from their opposite gender. At least it works for me. They can sweet talk me in to giving them money. Poor Scorpio men seem to be hard on their luck for some reason. And I know a few of them with a hard luck life![]()
That's all I got
Posted by PiscivorePerhaps in your universe. For the rest of us... not the case.Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by Piscivore
It's very disturbing how pop stars like her are peddling the idea of orgies, from the 'steamy' dance routines, to kids.
She’s doesn’t make music for children, she makes music for adults. Don’t blame her for poor parenting and supervision.
Pop music is predominantly for youngsters and those with unevolved music tastes. Always has been, always will be.click to expand
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