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Posted by Sith_RogenI heard you pooped a lot.
Refinanced my mortgage.
Posted by Gem03I got a raise and informed him. Then went to the store and came across his favorite drink, that I also grabbed along with my favorite wine. He asked me to drink it for himPosted by pisceanloves
We had a nice little convo on Thursday after 3 weeks of no communication.. Idk what now
What was the convo like?? what did he say?click to expand
Posted by PinsAndNeedlesYep
Bernie memes
Posted by pisceanlovesOr perhaps there was no 'other woman' and it was actually him playing stupid and pretending in order to turn you off and get you to leave him be. IDK.
That was on Tuesday, on Friday I go on fb (I don't use it a lot) and find out he has blocked me, that was a shock, he has blocked me and my number too I suppose.
I download whatsapp and texted him. Someone is on the other line telling me it's not him but it's his phone and who am I, I didn't back off and started questioning who am I talking to in the first place, that person asks for a clarification about the initial text that I refuse to give, I say nothing, she says nothing. But adds he's sick, I say hope he gets well soon and leave it at that.
2 days later he texts, asks why did I do that when he asked me to stop
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