Posted by OnlyFandsAll the sudden you have this new user name and I have to pay for pics! 😤🤡Posted by saggurl88Posted by OnlyFands
I want stanch to solve it
Where is my pic? SUCH A TEASE!!!!
😅click to expand
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Posted by deckedandeckerDesperate to catch a Pisces, yes 👍Posted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by deckedandeckerPosted by saggurl88Posted by deckedandecker
Unless there are other factors in the chart that promote it, they do not. Sag women will get with Cancer men as a fallback sign once they have had their fun with Air sign and fire sign men. It is not unheard of for a Sag woman who is well past her younger years and is running out of options to go for a water sign man because water sign men will be happy to be option 2. They will be happy to be the guy she settles for rather than the guy she wanted.
But if you wanna win a Sag woman over, be an air sign. They love Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini men. Aries men can also get it and so can Sag men. Leo men may be good for a night but that's about it, horrible long-term compatibility.
Sag women are centaurs. 🐎 horses. They run free, they don’t “fall back”
There are always options for those who run and don’t chase.
No one wants to settle for a sign that they aren’t compatible with. Sag people aren’t doormats like that.
This is probably why you can’t get one. You don’t understand Sag women at all.
Keep trying though. I’m sure one day it will click for you.
Truth hurts, Lizzo said it, not me.
Sag women do not age well and tend to settle after a certain point, hence why old hags like Ann Coulter are with Pisces men. They cannot afford to get a fire or air sign as easily.
I always see sag women and Pisces me relations of all ages
desperate people exist in all agesclick to expand
Posted by DMVYes! A relationship could be both toxic and spellbinding. They are not mutually exclusive.
She actually said it in her last interview.
Posted by deckedandecker
It was quite rigged but it falls on Trump than anything, he refused to address election integrity. I do not think Biden fairly won the swing states and mail in ballots were a sham.
Trump fairly won but he lost because he failed to act on election integrity.
Posted by ArieslesbianUntil next time 👋Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by ArieslesbianPosted by LadyNeptune
Lesbians aka you who use the term ftm is a bit transphobic. Its incredibly insensitive and inappropriate to reduce trans males to their medical transformation instead of acknowledging their identifying gender.
Very on brand for you tho.
Actually , there’s nothing offensive about this at all. There are many subreddits for transmen under /ftm, /ftm_irl, /ftmporn etc. Its not considered derogatory whatsoever. Also you should know, many transmen don’t have medical transformations. They actually identity as ftm. One of my friends on Reddit goes by ftman25, he’s really awesome . It would only be considered offensive to not use the correct pronouns, which I always do. But once again I wanna thank you for embarrassing yourself and making me the center of your universe. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go take my testosterone (:
Damn you couldn't go more than 24 hrs before rescinding on your promise not to acknowledge my existence.
Don't be too harsh on yourself tho. Its my animal charisma that makes it hard for you to stay away, I know 😂😂
Not really. Normally I don’t take bait, but this misinformation was literally slandering my character and factually incorrect. Back on mute you go (:click to expand
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