Posted by SnowBunny726I went to therapy as a kid, but it didn’t do anything for me.
Have any of you tried therapists? Every time I've seen one I've felt like I'm talking to a wall which is why I quit therapy.
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Posted by HamstheticsYou can't have an Aries? Aries goes for what they want, if they want you they'll get you. I'm a cusp so have that go getter attitude.Posted by saggurl88Posted by Hamsthetics
So Virgo-Aries are both blessed by Quincunx and Antiscia? Damn! Definitely born again as Aries man in my next life 😜
Why not a Pisces female since they are so loyal?
Well, men want what they can't have.
I believe there is non-Capricorn man out there who are willing to give up everything just to be one of us and loved by to expand
Posted by CoffeeAndCreamPosted by BadassGoddessPosted by Easha23000us
Am I the only African American female on this site? If not, where are you? These people on here are racist as hell...They only chat with or respond to a selected few..But if you are Black, you get ignored... That is their way of trying to get us to leave the site... But we are not going nowhere....Black Kings and Queens, where are you? Come holler at a Sistah!
I think you have internal inferiority complex issues that you need to deal with. and you are probably addicted to drama so that's what you cause wherever you go. Coming from a secure, black South African woman! Do everyone a favor and Stay off the internet and go deal with your internal issues. Thanks
a south African talking about inferiority issues is hilarious🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂click to expand
Posted by HamstheticsPosted by stillstillwater
jan 12 + july 17
pretty please xoxo
"Consummate Role-Players"
This relationship seems to imagine life as a theater, and its partners as happy audience members commenting on the aaion. Yet these powerful individuals are quite capable of stepping onto the world stage themselves and taking part. Although these partners' opposition in the zodiac (where they lie 180° apart) leads traditional astrology to predict a rough ride for them, the friction they generate can also be warming. They don't take their infighting seriously, which is probably wise if their survival together is to be prolonged. They will also be sensible if they choose to operate in two different arenas, since neither likes the role of second fiddle.
Love affairs here are unlikely to develop beyond an initial encounter. Cancer Ill's may be threatened by the fearlessness of Capricorn Ill's, who for their part can be unsettled by this partner's sharp insights into their character. Marriages too are not as rewarding as they could be. and their consequences may be not just unproduaive but destructive. Parent-child relationships, on the other hand, can be truly outstanding. 'Whichever of these two is the parent and which is the child, there is an understanding between Cancer Ills and Capricorn Ill's that guarantees parental care and filial respect. Should a single parent be living with a single child in this combination, the two may play many different roles in the relationship's dramatic structure, so that they don't need a lot of input from outside their home base. The only drawback here is overprotectiveness and overattachment. which can be painful to deal with in early adulthood.
Cancer Ill's and Capricorn Ill's can quite possibly work together in a company, but usually do so best as equals on the same level. As soon as one occupies a higher position, annoying power conflicts may begin,
although they rarely get completely out of hand. Cancer Ill-Capricom III friendships can be vivid, exciting and a great deal of fun. They also have a slightly mocking and sarcastic quality: these two know how to express any antagonism through light and nonthreatening banter.
ADVICE: How much is role-playing, how much is real? Be more objective about yourself.
Strivefor objectivity and understanding. Beware of to expand
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