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Posted by TheFalangeReturni'm not talking about being a pornstar or having incompatible fetishes but likewise if she lays there like a starfish, i find it hard to believe men are going to say but "she has an amazing sense of humour" and "we like the same movies".Posted by jeanePosted by TheFalangeReturnPosted by jeanePosted by saggurl88Posted by Libra4rmTXPosted by saggurl88Posted by Libra4rmTXPosted by pooface222Posted by Libra4rmTX
You get in a mans heart by getting in a mans pants
Not true.
Once you get in a mans pants, he's had you and doesn't want you anymore.
Hmmm.....I got a theory behind that that life taught me but this isnt the place for that.
All Ill say is this, its something to be said about a man who cant be satisfied.
There’s no better place then here to discuss that. I actually want to hear your theory.
I don’t believe in a guy losing interest once he’s had sex but I’m still curious about what you have to say.
I think either a girl can give it too soon and a guy loses internet cause she didn’t grab his attention in other ways or she gave it up too late and he still wasn’t interested, but was waiting around for it.
Well Ill first say that I believe hypersexual ppl cant be satisfied. They just have a bottomless pit. And no boundaries. Thats not the same as someone with a high sex drive. Its different. But you can tell when a person is hypersexual because they just have no boundaries. Everybody goes thru a hoe phase lol but they calm down after a while. But I have friends and exs that are just extremely sexual to where they cant be satisfied by just one partner.
Now the other is somrtimes as men, we dont really know how to pinpoint what it is that pulls us to a certain woman. Like you said, it doesnt matter if a woman has sex with us early or late. If tgat oomph isnt there we probably will either change or just leave. But every man has a different it factor.
For me its personality. I like a woman thay can talk about anything. Thats goofy. That is open minded amd a lil spontaneous. I dont like an extremely serious woman. A toxic woman that just......just......is toxic period. And that one womam that just entertains you because she is bored.
Some men like a woman that cooks and cleans and is submissive. Some men want a woman that has all the physical traits hes attracted to. Some men want a woman that has money. And sometimes we fall for a woman that we dont expect to fall for.
We guard our heart by remaining detached and tbh we are making a decision with every convo we have with a woman.
It just boils down to does this woman meet our ideal lady or yes, does she not grab our attention. Every man is different but yea we tend to gravitate towards the woman who can capture our mind and ignite our emotions
Yes, I completely agree. The same can be said with women and their wants.
What it comes down to is sex not being the only thing that a woman has that she can offer. Some women weigh too heavy on giving up sex and why the man was disinterested. Sex most likely had nothing to do with it.
Sex can be seen as something as easy as eating or drinking with another person. Just another layer of what is pleasurable for 2 people to enjoy.
That's why its important to actually like a person for other reasons, instead of just wondering if the sex is good. When you like multiple things about a person, it adds to the enjoyment of the company that is kept.
There are both men and women that like casual sex, but most will get tired of it when they realize there is no substance involved.
but i do think there is some truth that getting into a man's heart involves getting into his pants as well.
if the sex is terrible but you're a nice person, i don't think men will stick around (nor will women, they just might hang around a bit longer).
Idk guys are less demanding about women bed skills
Unless he watch porn all day or something
really? would you fall in love with a woman who was unsatisfying in bed?
If she likes the thing is fine
The only turn off is denying too much
Only friends i ever saw complaining about a woman in bed was a leo and a scorpio
The leo wanted to his gf act like a pornstar without him doing nothing
The scorpio wanted to do weirdo things and was also butthurt since she break up with him
So ime the guys who complaint were either seeing too much porn or butthurtclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88Exactly - but her husband is a p***y. She is not only disturbing her/my mother-in-law, but also making calls to my family members about my partner.Posted by c0mradePosted by saggurl88
How are they anonymous calls if she’s badmouthing someone using her voice? Is she using a voice changer?
And why is she jealous of your partner? Did you cheat with her?
Also what’s her sun sign, she’s not a Scorpio woman if she just has the moon sign in Scorpio.
She changes her accent and tone.
Sun Sign - VIRGO
Moon Sign - SCORPIO
She is my partner's brother's wife - How ugly can a person be to do it to her own family!
Oh man a Virgo Sun and Scorpio moon lol. Good luck with that.
You can’t talk to her husband?
And she’s upset about something, sounds like a woman scorned. She thinks she’s owed something.
She’s bothering your mother in law, who is old, in the middle of the night?
Her husband needs to handle her.click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneI like drama - but this is serious shit and my partner is involved. Otherwise, I confront them face to face!
Just block the number. Unless y’all like the drama
Posted by jeaneHe made a clear distinction between hyper sexualized and high sex drive, so I thought nothing of that part.Posted by saggurl88Posted by jeanePosted by saggurl88Posted by jeanePosted by saggurl88Posted by Libra4rmTXPosted by saggurl88Posted by Libra4rmTXPosted by pooface222Posted by Libra4rmTX
You get in a mans heart by getting in a mans pants
Not true.
Once you get in a mans pants, he's had you and doesn't want you anymore.
Hmmm.....I got a theory behind that that life taught me but this isnt the place for that.
All Ill say is this, its something to be said about a man who cant be satisfied.
There’s no better place then here to discuss that. I actually want to hear your theory.
I don’t believe in a guy losing interest once he’s had sex but I’m still curious about what you have to say.
I think either a girl can give it too soon and a guy loses internet cause she didn’t grab his attention in other ways or she gave it up too late and he still wasn’t interested, but was waiting around for it.
Well Ill first say that I believe hypersexual ppl cant be satisfied. They just have a bottomless pit. And no boundaries. Thats not the same as someone with a high sex drive. Its different. But you can tell when a person is hypersexual because they just have no boundaries. Everybody goes thru a hoe phase lol but they calm down after a while. But I have friends and exs that are just extremely sexual to where they cant be satisfied by just one partner.
Now the other is somrtimes as men, we dont really know how to pinpoint what it is that pulls us to a certain woman. Like you said, it doesnt matter if a woman has sex with us early or late. If tgat oomph isnt there we probably will either change or just leave. But every man has a different it factor.
For me its personality. I like a woman thay can talk about anything. Thats goofy. That is open minded amd a lil spontaneous. I dont like an extremely serious woman. A toxic woman that just......just......is toxic period. And that one womam that just entertains you because she is bored.
Some men like a woman that cooks and cleans and is submissive. Some men want a woman that has all the physical traits hes attracted to. Some men want a woman that has money. And sometimes we fall for a woman that we dont expect to fall for.
We guard our heart by remaining detached and tbh we are making a decision with every convo we have with a woman.
It just boils down to does this woman meet our ideal lady or yes, does she not grab our attention. Every man is different but yea we tend to gravitate towards the woman who can capture our mind and ignite our emotions
Yes, I completely agree. The same can be said with women and their wants.
What it comes down to is sex not being the only thing that a woman has that she can offer. Some women weigh too heavy on giving up sex and why the man was disinterested. Sex most likely had nothing to do with it.
Sex can be seen as something as easy as eating or drinking with another person. Just another layer of what is pleasurable for 2 people to enjoy.
That's why its important to actually like a person for other reasons, instead of just wondering if the sex is good. When you like multiple things about a person, it adds to the enjoyment of the company that is kept.
There are both men and women that like casual sex, but most will get tired of it when they realize there is no substance involved.
but i do think there is some truth that getting into a man's heart involves getting into his pants as well.
if the sex is terrible but you're a nice person, i don't think men will stick around (nor will women, they just might hang around a bit longer).
it's all good and well to say you need to be vulnerable, you need to show your emotions, blah blah blah, if she is a firecracker in the sack, then he is going to want to keep her around and the longer she is there, the longer she can show her other fine attributes, and then yes, into the heart she goes but if that zipper doesn't come down then having a man truly fall in love (wild devotion, climb the highest mountain, slay a dragon sort of stuff) is nigh on impossible. men too often let the little head lead them.
We are talking about why some guys leave after having sex.
I need sex like I need food and a shower. I agree and think sex can be a factor in a man falling in love.
i'm talking about the response that libra4rmtx's was wrong and the blanket rule that men will leave you after sex because he's had you.
So did you mean to quote him? Cause I'm confused.
i guess i was trying to bring it back on topic since the conversation went like:
heart through pants > wrong> i have a theory> what's the theory> some people are hypersexualised > casual sex without substance is fruitless > (me) casual sex with a woman who is good in bed, can lead to a man falling in loveclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88You are every bit of insightful as a true Sagg should be! And yes we feel emotions just like yall do we just express them far differently. I think you taught me a quick lesson today lolPosted by Libra4rmTXPosted by saggurl88Posted by Libra4rmTXPosted by saggurl88Posted by Libra4rmTXPosted by pooface222Posted by Libra4rmTX
You get in a mans heart by getting in a mans pants
Not true.
Once you get in a mans pants, he's had you and doesn't want you anymore.
Hmmm.....I got a theory behind that that life taught me but this isnt the place for that.
All Ill say is this, its something to be said about a man who cant be satisfied.
There’s no better place then here to discuss that. I actually want to hear your theory.
I don’t believe in a guy losing interest once he’s had sex but I’m still curious about what you have to say.
I think either a girl can give it too soon and a guy loses internet cause she didn’t grab his attention in other ways or she gave it up too late and he still wasn’t interested, but was waiting around for it.
Well Ill first say that I believe hypersexual ppl cant be satisfied. They just have a bottomless pit. And no boundaries. Thats not the same as someone with a high sex drive. Its different. But you can tell when a person is hypersexual because they just have no boundaries. Everybody goes thru a hoe phase lol but they calm down after a while. But I have friends and exs that are just extremely sexual to where they cant be satisfied by just one partner.
Now the other is somrtimes as men, we dont really know how to pinpoint what it is that pulls us to a certain woman. Like you said, it doesnt matter if a woman has sex with us early or late. If tgat oomph isnt there we probably will either change or just leave. But every man has a different it factor.
For me its personality. I like a woman thay can talk about anything. Thats goofy. That is open minded amd a lil spontaneous. I dont like an extremely serious woman. A toxic woman that just......just......is toxic period. And that one womam that just entertains you because she is bored.
Some men like a woman that cooks and cleans and is submissive. Some men want a woman that has all the physical traits hes attracted to. Some men want a woman that has money. And sometimes we fall for a woman that we dont expect to fall for.
We guard our heart by remaining detached and tbh we are making a decision with every convo we have with a woman.
It just boils down to does this woman meet our ideal lady or yes, does she not grab our attention. Every man is different but yea we tend to gravitate towards the woman who can capture our mind and ignite our emotions
Yes, I completely agree. The same can be said with women and their wants.
What it comes down to is sex not being the only thing that a woman has that she can offer. Some women weigh too heavy on giving up sex and why the man was disinterested. Sex most likely had nothing to do with it.
Sex can be seen as something as easy as eating or drinking with another person. Just another layer of what is pleasurable for 2 people to enjoy.
That's why its important to actually like a person for other reasons, instead of just wondering if the sex is good. When you like multiple things about a person, it adds to the enjoyment of the company that is kept.
There are both men and women that like casual sex, but most will get tired of it when they realize there is no substance involved.
YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!! So often we view sex as purely phyiscal and its not. A phone conversation, a date where the vibe just hits every note, even simple eye contact. Those all can br consideted sex. Its not just phyiscal. Damn damn damn lol you just dont know thw chord you struck for ya boy with that one. Ive been saying this for a while now.
And I guess it comes down to paying attention to who youre dealing with because you may be catching feelings for someone who is a text from ghosting you. Ive had it happen to me lol and im guilty of it. With datinf everything is so fluid that its best to remain detached until you can make sure ish is truly mutual on every level. You said some impressive shit!
Sometimes being too cautious can bite you in the ass too. There are a lot of men and women who are too scared to keep trying for a connection. And most people fall for people that they can't have. It's human nature to want what's not there.
It's part of the reason why I will give a man a second chance if he comes back, with no issues or past salty behavior, because most don't realize what they have till it's gone.
I think women need to realize that men have the same feelings as women, we hear how tough men can be, but in the end we are all the same when it comes to feelings.
You just have to navigate and find the person who works with yours well.
But now we aren't talking about sex anymore, are we?click to expand
Posted by dOpehEadThe problem is I am forced to handle it delicately to not disrupt the relationships within the family.
You have to just pretend they don't exist. They give up after a year or two I think. Idk they go through a stalking phase after they try to burn your life to the ground, but obviously you know that since you're experiencing it now. I pretty much only run charts on people now to ensure I'm not engaging with a scorpio moon lol. Idk I don't have advice for you really. Either ride it out or get a restraining order. Leo moons cant one up scorpio moons.
Posted by c0mradeYou and your partner should talk with her alone and figure your shit out, if her husband is a pussy. We don't know all the details, but it seems messy as hell and she wants to let everyone know just how messy it is. It's her mother correct? You won't be able to block the calls.Posted by saggurl88Posted by c0mradePosted by saggurl88
How are they anonymous calls if she’s badmouthing someone using her voice? Is she using a voice changer?
And why is she jealous of your partner? Did you cheat with her?
Also what’s her sun sign, she’s not a Scorpio woman if she just has the moon sign in Scorpio.
She changes her accent and tone.
Sun Sign - VIRGO
Moon Sign - SCORPIO
She is my partner's brother's wife - How ugly can a person be to do it to her own family!
Oh man a Virgo Sun and Scorpio moon lol. Good luck with that.
You can’t talk to her husband?
And she’s upset about something, sounds like a woman scorned. She thinks she’s owed something.
She’s bothering your mother in law, who is old, in the middle of the night?
Her husband needs to handle her.
Exactly - but her husband is a p***y. She is not only disturbing her/my mother-in-law, but also making calls to my family members about my partner.
Does Virgo sun make the person even more of a complicated psychopath?click to expand
Posted by saggurl88It is NOT female drama if my dad gets anonymous calls in the middle of the night.Posted by dOpehEadPosted by LadyNeptune
Just block the number. Unless y’all like the drama
He's a leo moon.
I was wondering why a man would get himself involved in female drama. But his Leo moon! Hahahaha! I knew not to question it lolclick to expand
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