My ex stripper BF

Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by LostinmyMind11

Get him drunk and dance sexy with him...then kinda back off and see if it brings it outta him?

We don't drink. He's not aloud to anymore.

Probably a good thing ..Scorp mooners and alcohol don't mix well.
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He used to drink a lot when we first met. I remember one time he called me from Texas drunk off his ass and had me on the phone for like 2 hours. It was hilarious. I told him the next day that he asked me to marry him and I said yes....he didn't believe me 😂

If u remember me talking about how he got jumped and put in the hospital back in 2019..he was on dialysis for a month. They fucked up his kidneys he still has a huge black scar on his back from it. I dont know If they punched/kicked him there or they stabbed him(I haven't gotten the full story out of him but he claims he can't remember anything) but yeah that's why he doesn't drink anymore. 😔 It is a blessing in disguise tho cause yeah he is not pleasant to be around when he is fucked up. One of the reasons I stopped talking to him for a year and why I just wanted to be FWB when we first met.

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