My ex stripper BF

Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by blackphvse

You guys are funny. That would be awkward af for me. I'd definitely have a hard time not laughing at a guy if he did that in front of me. Lmao

Ikr? I'm laughing now. And a Virgo dude at that too......bwahahahahaha

Dxp doesn't get any better than this

He's a Virgo but he has a Scorpio moon and a Libra rising. Sexy AF. Plus, he did it professionally so it's not like he'd be just making shit up as he went along, he knows what he is doing.

Yeah I'd probably laugh but I'd love it too.

Ohhh so that's where he get this from I see. Scorpio moon. That pretty much explains it all. I'm a Libra rising too btw. All my soft shy and feminine cancer placements gets in my way for pursuing a male model career.

Also I wasn't laughing to insult you or trying to take a dig at you or anything. I just find Virgo men in general to be funny. I know tons of them that are hilarious, but in a good way. I rolls with Virgo men not so much the women of that sign. This thread just made my day complete.
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Yes, Libra rising ppl are very pretty I have found. Helps that I have a lot of Leo placements so Libra and Leos have a good connection as far as finding each other attractive. I used to be obsessed with this Libra sun guy and this other Virgo who had a lot of Libra placements. Both signs appreciate beauty.

I also get the shyness keeping you away from modeling. I dabled in modeling and acting when I was a teenager but my shyness really stopped me from pursuing it. I went as far as getting accepted to a modeling and acting agency and getting professional photo shoots for my portfolio but my shyness really kept me from going further. I kick myself a lot for that. Ah well. Such is life. You gotta go where it takes you.

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