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Posted by virgoOPPPMother - restricting, practical, cautious with emotions and affection
Posted by MyStarsShinecapricorn doesn't feel 'motherly' to me coz it's sometimes too cold like i can feel that vibe more with scorpioPosted by virgoOPPP
Mother - restricting, practical, cautious with emotions and affection
Very narrow minded
Saturn🥴click to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPYesPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by virgoOPPP
Mother - restricting, practical, cautious with emotions and affection
Very narrow minded
capricorn doesn't feel 'motherly' to me coz it's sometimes too cold like i can feel that vibe more with scorpio
more like a father i'm constantly disappointing lolclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by virgoOPPPPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by virgoOPPP
Mother - restricting, practical, cautious with emotions and affection
Very narrow minded
capricorn doesn't feel 'motherly' to me coz it's sometimes too cold like i can feel that vibe more with scorpio
more like a father i'm constantly disappointing lol
She had a Leo Moon too 🥴click to expand
Posted by WarAngel
The men are complete shit bags.
The women, are a mixed bag. The jury is still out for me.
Posted by Hamstheticswhat's a common trend?
A little reminder wouldn't hurt
Posted by xiongmaoThis the case for most parts of Asia, even in Southeast Asia. Skin whitening creams/gels are a big deal in Southeast Asia.Posted by Aquamarine_
Is it wrong to believe that many Asians idolize white people? Is it too far to say that many change themselves to look more caucasian than embracing their natural feautures?
By Asian I mean more so the far east. I wrote an essay for my English class, the prompt was that we were to find an ad that subliminally points to a bigger societal issue, so I used the product "fair and lovely". It's an Indian skin whitening cream. So basically my essay was focusing on colorism, specifically in Asia, since these countries seem to have the most prominent standards for white skin.
We had to do a peer analysis of our classmate's essay and ironically my professor assigned two Asian guys to review my essay. It's supposed to be instructive criticism on how we can improve our essay for the final draft.
One of the guy's who reviewed my essay seemed to be mad about what I said about Asian beauty standards, and gave his opinion saying my essay was too controversial and that Asian beauty standards are not because they want to be white, but because it's just the standards. Well Ive heard this argument before, Asian people claiming that they are not trying to be white. I mentioned a lot about India as well, not just the far east.
But in my essay I didn't say Asians are wanting to be white exactly, but that they idolize white people. I mentioned the beauty standards of Asians, that tend towards wanting more caucasian features than than there own, I mean where did that even come about? Also Ive seen many variety shows, specifically Korean ones and they are always in awe over white people that go on their shows. Do they do the same for darker folks? No. So that is what Im seeing.
Also racism is very prominent in China, Korea, and Japan towards southern Asians, Middle easterns, and black people. In some clubs in Korea they don't even allow people from certain countries in, and usually they are the countries that have darker skinned people.
I mean in my view based on the beauty standards and how white people are treated, I see them being idolized. He also didn't like that I said Korean idols get white-washed in pictures, because he said it sounds like Im saying they are trying to make them caucasian.
I don't know maybe Im wrong for believing this, but I just feel too many countries around the world look up to white people as even superior to their own. Which is sad. And that was the point I was trying to make in my essay but if my view is totally ignorant and incorrect I don't want it to be controversial.
What do you guys think? Do you think Asian often idolize white people or is it just their culture and beauty standards that white skin is prettier?
Yes, I know Chinese do. Products that supposedly make someone’s skin lighter is a thing there. Also I think they are more sold on the “American Dream” than actual Americans.click to expand
Posted by TheClassyThis reminded me of the time when the nobles and upper classes in Europe from 15th - 18th century would deliberately cover their faces in white powder to make themselves look even whiter.Posted by Misscappy
I'm not being racist OK? So if you're easily triggered by race and skin tone discussion, just skip my post.
I think it dated way back in the past where in Asia, skin color is a sign of social class. Asian skin is different see. We can get darker and we can get extremely pale depending on how much sun exposure we get.
That is why dark skin is associated with working in the fields = low economy class. Pale skin is associated with living comfortably indoor.
As for white worship and white hunters (thats what we call them here lol), yeah i've seen it happening around here, usually from lower educated women who wants a ticket outside Asia to "change" her life. What's interesting about these "white hunters" is that they would intentionally make their skin darker. Because white people in Asia usually go for darker skin tone Asian women. So these white hunters would be the total opposite of the asian beauty standard.
It's not supprising what you say, as in Europe in old ages it was like this too. Rich lords were hidding from sun for skin to look pale because dark skin was indication of working classes. Even ancient Egyptian were trying to look white, but not many people know this.
Edit : in Rokoko times they even were using white foundation to make it even lighter.click to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPPosted by Hamsthetics
A little reminder wouldn't hurt
what's a common trend?
things are actually going really well
except when i don't call for one day and cap be like: "you're acting different" lolclick to expand
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