Virgo Sun+Moon man, I don't know what to do

Posted by Gem03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Gem03

Virgo men please shed some light

This is what some Virgo men do for some reason. They see how much bullshit you will put up with, see if you will wait for them while they do what they want, and the one who waits for them wins because no one else will put up with it and stay. They try and put you through the ringer as a test to judge your loyalty.

You should leave him alone and do you, he clearly got an opportunity that he didn't want to pass up, so he changed his mind and bounced out to spring break for some fun.

He'll be back once things blow over with whoever he was liking, once they stop paying attention to him.

Virgo men get distracted easily by woman. They are the same as Leo men with wanting attention and wanting to be adored but at least Leo's are known for being loyal.

They want a women going bat shit crazy with jealousy for them while they do this sort of shit and if you don't, that means you don't care.

Virgo men live in the moment and take opportunities as they come, I find them to be very sneaky and manipulative, while seeming innocent.

They have the gift of gab just like a Gemini, and are smooth talkers who can get themselves out of any situation with their charm.

I still like them, I just can't hang with how attention seeking they are towards anyone showing them interest. I'm not jealous enough to compete.

He has leo mars. But everything else is in Virgo.

Thats what I'm thinking in a span of 4 days he was in Miami...he definitely had to have talked to his friends. Arranged where they are staying, put in notice for work and so on. At the minimum he had to have been thinking about it for the last week.

Him and I had a thorough convo of what we are like in relationships, both of us are very very possessive of our SO. So there was no way I was going to let him go with 3 women while I'm his SO (same applies to me).
click to expand
This is why Cancer and Aries women work best with them, because they fight for their men when they behave like this.

I don't have time to run after community dick and try to make it mine.