Can you guys understand what is going on here?

Posted by Centaur12
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by saggurl88

My opinion

She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.

You guys are still in a relationship though.

I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.

The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.

Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?

You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.

Is her moon sign fixed as well?

Her moon is a virgo

Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.

I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.

She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.

Can you tell that she loves you?

You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.

The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.

But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.

Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.

And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.

Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.

But what do I she is telling me she doesn't want a relationship with me but wants friendship and I am telling her I cannot do that as I can't pretend when I am with her I love her. I don't want to let her go.. but she don't want me out of her life but on the other hand doesn't want me as a partner ?
click to expand

Take a poll here and ask everyone what they think and they will most likely say it's a relationship. Is it toxic as hell, yes, but it's a relationship. She's your girlfriend.

You're the only one who's clueless about it.

So are you willing to go with the flow and stop nagging over a title??

She tells you she loves you, she doesn't want to lose you, she's never felt this connected and blah blah blah, but it means nothing to you cause she hasn't agreed to to being your girlfriend. It's ridiculous.

She's lying about it being just friends, you two will be back in bed in no time. Just like you lie and say you can't do this anymore.


You need to learn to treat her like a child (I know this sounds kind of bad) and tell her what is happening, instead of asking.

If you treat her opposition to what you want ( a relationship) like a tantrum that's being thrown, instead of caving and pulling back hurt, you will get farther with her.

Putting your foot down about her being your girlfriend and not being bothered by her pretending she doesn't want it, will give you both the security that you two want.

You believe what she says too much and it causes more confusion on your end, so my advice is to go with the flow for now and build on the relationship so it gets back on good terms and when it does, then BAM, she is your girl friend, and that is that.

Don't question anything, just state it.

Don't listen to her words of saying no, don't even ask or leave her an option of saying no.

Introduce her as your girlfriend, treat her like your girlfriend and she will be your girlfriend. It's very simple.

Once that has been handled, you can move on to the moving in talks but you have to take it one step at a time.