Can you guys understand what is going on here?

Posted by Wizardz
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Wizardz
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz

She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision

You're gonna have him even more confusedLaughing

She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.

These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.

Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.

Lol we're saying the opposite thing

You think this relationship has a chance?

To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm

I don't know what to say or do.

She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.

Cause everything is normal with your GIRLFRIEND.

Why aren't you used to the cycle you guys go through? This is what your relationship is.

Go out meet up with her and have a good time.

Back burner you insecure need to be told and validated by her she is your girlfriend and get into a mindset that she is already.

He's not happy tho, is he? And the point where you and me differ is that you believe it can get better and I don't. So he needs to leave or put up with this cycle until she finally leaves
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He's happy. He's not happy he's not getting his way, but he's happy cause he loves her.- All this is just based on me being a Sag and what I do, so it's my opinion.

He's complaining cause he doesn't know what to do, but will he continue to put up with it? - Yes cause this is what we do when we love someone smile Walk all over us please LMAO

I see where you're coming from, but he can't stop accepting her calls or messages long enough for that to happen, so I'm trying to help him secure what he wants. But he's not so good and being bossy where it counts.

It will be too long for both to leave, IMO

So why not try and fix it to make it work, while we wait smile

They know how to break up very well, and we are mutable so he should be able to flip it and learn how to stay together well.

Change History

Posted by Wizardz
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Wizardz
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz

She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision

You're gonna have him even more confusedLaughing

She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.

These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.

Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.

Lol we're saying the opposite thing

You think this relationship has a chance?

To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm

I don't know what to say or do.

She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.

Cause everything is normal with your GIRLFRIEND.

Why aren't you used to the cycle you guys go through? This is what your relationship is.

Go out meet up with her and have a good time.

Back burner you insecure need to be told and validated by her she is your girlfriend and get into a mindset that she is already.

He's not happy tho, is he? And the point where you and me differ is that you believe it can get better and I don't. So he needs to leave or put up with this cycle until she finally leaves
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He's happy. He's not happy he's not getting his way, but he's happy cause he loves her.- All this is just based on me being a Sag and what I do, so it's my opinion.

He's complaining cause he doesn't know what to do, but will he continue to put up with it? - Yes cause this is what we do when we love someone smile Walk all over us please LMAO

I see where you're coming from, but he can't stop accepting her calls or messages long enough for that to happen, so I'm trying to help him secure what he wants. But he's not so good and being bossy where it counts.

It will be too long for both to leave, IMO

So why not try and fix it to make it work, while we wait smile