Can you guys understand what is going on here?

Posted by Wizardz
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Wizardz
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Wizardz
Posted by xiongmao
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Maxian
Posted by Centaur12

Interested to know from everything I have told you guys about. What do you think she is doing if I start a poll.

1. Playing me and will drop me once she finds someone else.

2 . She loves me and whats to rebuild but is being careful so she is pretending she wants to be friends but really she still has in her mind that we are an item so is hopefull thing will change this time.

3 . Using me becuase she does not want to be alone.

4 . She doesnt want me at all but doesn't want anyone else to have me.

Put down your number if what you think be interested to see how many of you think of what one it could be.

Why does it matter though?

You shouldn't make decisions now based on what she wants, it's about what you want and what's good for you and the kids.

I didn't really follow your story, scrolled over it... but forget this poll and do what makes YOU happy! Life doesn't revolve around her ffs

I know I completely agree I was just wonder what people thought really.

I know what I want to do and what I should do.

Asking the same question won't get you a different answer.

People have given their thoughts already, a few threads ago. But you keep mentioning updates between you and the Gem, as if it changes the situation, when it does not.

but didn't you read the new message she sent him? 😂🤦‍♂️

Thing is she is telling me she feels hurt because I never valued our relationship at the time when my sister said it won't be a good idea to bring your partner to a meal as we haven't spoken since we fell out and there will be tension there between us.

But I didn't want to put my partner in that situation so I decided to keep her out of it but what I should of done was given her the option it was wrong of me.

So I think I need to dust myself off and life is an experience for us all and a learning curve.

I know what she wants and needs from me.

That is to feel like I have her back and to feel included because she feels alone right now she rang me this morning crying upset telling me she's feeling really low and hurt from it and thought no matter what we would always have eachothers backs and she obviously feels like I have let her down.

You're a sucker but good luck lol

Why do you think I am a sucker ?

"I know what she wants and needs from me" because all she has to do is tell you she feels lonely and you come running once again.

She doesn't care what you want lol
click to expand

I get that but I was wrong to not include her wasn't I ?

I am not running to her I haven't seen her since Saturday and I am doing my own stuff she hasn't asked me to do anything just that she's very upset about how I did not include her.

Change History

Posted by Wizardz
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Wizardz
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Wizardz
Posted by xiongmao
Posted by Centaur12
Posted by Maxian
Posted by Centaur12

Interested to know from everything I have told you guys about. What do you think she is doing if I start a poll.

1. Playing me and will drop me once she finds someone else.

2 . She loves me and whats to rebuild but is being careful so she is pretending she wants to be friends but really she still has in her mind that we are an item so is hopefull thing will change this time.

3 . Using me becuase she does not want to be alone.

4 . She doesnt want me at all but doesn't want anyone else to have me.

Put down your number if what you think be interested to see how many of you think of what one it could be.

Why does it matter though?

You shouldn't make decisions now based on what she wants, it's about what you want and what's good for you and the kids.

I didn't really follow your story, scrolled over it... but forget this poll and do what makes YOU happy! Life doesn't revolve around her ffs

I know I completely agree I was just wonder what people thought really.

I know what I want to do and what I should do.

Asking the same question won't get you a different answer.

People have given their thoughts already, a few threads ago. But you keep mentioning updates between you and the Gem, as if it changes the situation, when it does not.

but didn't you read the new message she sent him? ?????

Thing is she is telling me she feels hurt because I never valued our relationship at the time when my sister said it won't be a good idea to bring your partner to a meal as we haven't spoken since we fell out and there will be tension there between us.

But I didn't want to put my partner in that situation so I decided to keep her out of it but what I should of done was given her the option it was wrong of me.

So I think I need to dust myself off and life is an experience for us all and a learning curve.

I know what she wants and needs from me.

That is to feel like I have her back and to feel included because she feels alone right now she rang me this morning crying upset telling me she's feeling really low and hurt from it and thought no matter what we would always have eachothers backs and she obviously feels like I have let her down.

You're a sucker but good luck lol

Why do you think I am a sucker ?

"I know what she wants and needs from me" because all she has to do is tell you she feels lonely and you come running once again.

She doesn't care what you want lol
click to expand

I get that but I was wrong to not include her wasn't I ?

I am not running to her I haven't seen her since Saturday and I am doing my own stuff she hasn't asked me to do anything just that she's very upset about how u didn't include her.