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Apr 10, 2016Comments: 4 · Posts: 606 · Topics: 26
Virgo sun AND moon man?
Virgo sun is too critical, moody, fucked up and weird. Now add the moon to that.
Run from any sign that will analyze their mistakes and make every excuse in the world for them, while crucifying you for the same thing. No one does this better than Virgo. Natural born psychopaths.
Oh, two thing Virgo has going for them; they can be cold blooded bastards when it comes to business and making money. All right if you want to be the next Madoff. Also, once they're committed, they stay committed. No matter how deceitful and abusive and fucked up the relationship is, no matter how it fucks up other family members or their children, Virgo just never leaves. The relationship can go to Hell and take them and their kids and everyone else in the world with them and Virgo will just always stick around. Pretty pathetic considering they're a sign that "doesn't put up with [I]nonsense."[/I]
*eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll* *eyeroll*
Taurus is actually the better earth sign here. Both are supposed to be straightforward, but Taurus ACTUALLY is. Meanwhile Virgo "doesn't like confrontations" so they're too pussy to say what needs to be said at the right time. And because Taurus is so sensitive, you CAN potentially get through to them with a little honesty followed by a heart to heart. No matter what, Virgo never learns. Like, Ever!