Posted by Centaur12I know I probably don't help it by giving in and going back all the time.Posted by WizardzPosted by halalbaePosted by Wizardz
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Damn, why did you hide that? You spoke so much sense and truth there
I thought I was replying to his private message lol I'll unhide it
Thanks! That helps me understand some things also about someone who has been very firm with boundaries with me and you're right it does make me fall for her again. Discipline and stability ha I never would have thought that is what I needed but it' so true that attracts me and keeps me consistently attracted and stops the flip-floppy destructive tendencies as you put it
So it helps me understand alittle more what sort of way and how did they interpretate the boundaries with you because everytime I try to do it she gets really mad says she's really hurt and will ignore me a to expand