every scorpio in my life is self destructing. all at once.

1. my wife and i have been married since october now. i've attempted to get my stuff situated this whole time so we can move to canada together. no matter how many different places i've tried to get my birth certificate i cannot. had to get an entirely new id. still no go. she was forced to leave the country. i had been having dreams for months that horrible things would happen. gave her my covid money and told her to not give it to her current roommate/ex (sag) as he was about to relapse and would blame it on her and try to destroy her. talked to her about it before we drove her to the border. talked to her about it before i sent her the money. told her to use it to get a new place to live. she agreed. then she gave the entire thing to him. i told her again, many times to find some other place. they drank together one night as she didn't see it as a big deal. despite him being sober for a few years. i told her AGAIN what was about to happen. then one day he asked her to pity fuck him. she told me and i told her she had to leave immediately as she wasn't safe. she decided to go to her moms house instead of a women's shelter like i suggested. she said she'd be fine at her moms until a day or two when she could go to a friends house. i told her AGAIN that if she goes there that something horrible would happen. she went to her moms. i had her promise me she wouldn't let her mom (virgo) convince her to go back to the roommates house. and that if she did the person who agreed to let her stay with her would not let her do it, because she's trash- assuming she lived through the night.

she went back to the roommates house, after i went to sleep. she was assaulted by a different ex (taurus) and was almost killed. (we found out later the sag invited him in cuz he was lonely and wanted to hang out, despite hating him for years previously) he tore out tons of her hair and there was blood everywhere. she sent me the pics. she tried to call me and my phone was accidentally put on silence cuz of the iphone bullshit with the silence button and i'd just gotten a new case for it and didn't realize i'd done it. she contacted my sister. my sister tried to call me. woke me up in the morning when she's gotten home from work. i already knew what happened. as it's just as i'd dreamed. i sent her money for about a week so she could stay at a hotel.

the friend refused to let her to let her stay. while she was at the hotel she met a woman who she thought was a guardian angel. that fell through of course. then she found a place with a supposedly pansexual woman who had a history of domestic violence. we borrowed money from my wife's mother and she moved in, as i had spent every dime i had keeping her safe. i felt something was off and told her so and not to do anything like go and drink or party at all as i knew this person was a nutcase. and that we'd likely have to leave at a moments notice.

was only there a few days before it became clear that the woman was bff with her supposedly abusive ex. my wife went out one night and got drunk with a friend. and didn't come home until the next day. i had sent the woman a message on battlenet (we all play world of warcraft) asking for the mailing address as i was going to report the ex that tried to kill her for cyber assault and harassment as he sent me a ton of abusive messages and since it was gonna be my address in a few weeks i'd need to give it to homeland security. she unloaded all this crazy shit onto me and threatened to kick my wife out as she didn't feel safe cuz my wife brought 'strange men" (friends of hers as she is living where she's from originally, right now) and said she felt unsafe and accused my wife of being unfaithful. i tried to calm the situation down. she forgave her, or whatever. then the last two days the woman barged into my wife's room and told her about how "scared" she was of the ex. today my wife woke up and he was there all day (the ex is an unmedicated schizophrenic she made move out cuz he tried to kill her, who is now homeless and constantly on meth) eventually he walked into her room without permission and demanded money. she said she didn't have cash. he then demanded she go to the store. she said she wouldn't.

i confronted the woman about it as she was the landlord and reminded her that she is legally responsible to keep tenants safe and she went totally crazy and again threatened to kick my wife out. refused to give her the deposit back. removed both of us from bnet. she then sent me a ton of abusive messages again trying to tell me my wife was cheating and i was crazy for putting up with it. she then lied about barging into the room. i was on video when she did it. she didn't knock, she just walked in. and she proceeded to try to gaslight both of us.

told my wife to not respond at all and to call her mother. my wife is currently at her moms house. we had a big discussion about why she's been so self destructive. she said she was afraid i'd never actually go out there. that that was why she was being so reckless. we had a big heart to heart and i'm hoping she's gotten through whatever this was. i cannot sleep right now because i've spent every dime i have to try to keep her safe and if her mom gets a wild hair up her ass i cannot save her this time. i am all out of options until the 1st. and as she's seen, things can literally change in an hour or two. doesn't take days. after everything we went through the last couple of weeks (yes, from the "pity fuck me" to now is a couple of weeks) that she knows to just trust the things i say. as they do really happen. i'm scared to fuck that my wife's mother will do some stupid shit cuz her husband is homophobic and i won't be able to do anything.

2. i told my sister almost a year ago, and many times a month since, to find a new place to live as the woman who is our landlady is a psychopath. she threatened to kick my sister out if she didn't pay to get the floors redone and to do the installation. she has it done. lady said if she did she could stay indefinitely. she paid for it. did the work. it's all done. the woman gave my sister til august 1st, as i said she would. since that's when in our state the covid housing protection thing ends. my sister has refused because she said she wouldn't leave the animals or rehome them. i've told her many many times this bitch was nuts and she'd end up homeless and she'd lose the animals anyway. which is what's about to happen, i guess. currently riding my sisters ass to find a new place before i go to canada. (covid stuff changed so all i need now is my id and my birth certificate. contacted az and am working on that as much as i can. can be there sometime early next month if the motherfuckers will actually send it to me this time)

3. my cousin tried to kill herself. again, because of an abusive partner. dealing with that whole thing. she's never interacted with me much because i was 16 when she was born. my mom cut us off from most of that part of the family. and essentially since my mom died i've been in one crisis after another and hadn't thought to reach out. her mother asked me to, so i did. that situation has gone wildly out of control too and i'm just trying to keep her alive at this point. she also has bipolar. and yeah.

4. my aunt (my cousins mother) is also having a total dark night of the soul right now but she knows that i "know" things so she's mostly been doing what i suggested. but still because she's a stubborn ass scorpio she is still doing shit that i've said would have a specific outcome, and it has.

it feels like i am channeling so much shit through me right now but the only person taking me seriously at all is my aunt. my mother had the sight as well. could know what was about to happen. i hadn't dealt with it for years cuz i was medicated. haven't really been in a year or so because of situations i won't discuss. i almost died this year. and have been suicidally depressed, otherwise. but through sheer force of will i am trying to keep this together and keep everyone safe. if i had taken my meds i likely wouldn't have known any of this was about to happen. if my wife wasn't able to siphon my ridiculously good luck she'd also not be alive. she said she knew that that was all that kept her alive when she was doing all the self destructive shit.

i honestly feel like the scorpios in my life, despite seeing over and over again that things happen the way i say they will, see me as some sort of boy who cried wolf. i haven't had a moments rest or peace because they're all just doing whatever they can to destroy themselves.

every time one of them feels someone is "safe" and good they aren't. every time i tell them the person will hurt them and what kind of person they actually are, no one believes me.

i've cut off almost everyone else in my life except my wife, my aunt, my sister, and my pisces bff who is also bff with my wife. talking to my cousin a bit as well but.... a friend from dxp was the last one. obsessed with things being equal. was mad i didn't immediately respond to unimportant shit. realized they'd never change. and now with all of this that happened it just reinforced all the things i'd thought about all the people i'd cut off. was showing with my actions how important it is to remove people from your life that don't care about you and to not project caring about you onto them, to my wife. when someone tells you who they are you should believe them.

my wife's saturn return started right as she was told she had to leave. doesn't end until jan of next year. told her that until then that literally every single thing she does will have an immediate and drastic consequence. yall are ruled by pluto and deal with the hands of fate in a way no one else does. the whole thing though. jfc. all i want is for people to be safe.