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Posted by saggurl88Lol. I read a great quote today... "Breakups are hard, but luckily so are other men's dicks"Posted by LadyNeptune
Rewarding cruelty with blow jobs is only going to end in more tears for you.
Lol it’s supposed to be the other way around.
He’s cruel and you tell him to make it up to you by fixing his head between your legs 🤣🤣click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptune😂🤣Posted by saggurl88Posted by LadyNeptune
Rewarding cruelty with blow jobs is only going to end in more tears for you.
Lol it’s supposed to be the other way around.
He’s cruel and you tell him to make it up to you by fixing his head between your legs 🤣🤣
Lol. I read a great quote today... "Breakups are hard, but luckily so are other men's dicks"click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineI swear its not lolPosted by SubliminalsPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Subliminals
Oh, honeymoon doesn't have to be just once.
Rekindle passion and attraction are virtues.
Sounds hopeful.....how long have you been married?
Just 3 yrs lol
Honeymoon period
😂😍click to expand
Posted by GC11_why not give them a hard time. we all try to get through the day and thats always stressful, so any jerk who adds to it deserves to get punked. why cant everybody be friendly?
I am not easy to dominate, and actually enjoy giving domineering people a hard time lolz.
Posted by Hamstheticsdo you watch suits? Which one would you tolerate?Posted by BumboklaatPosted by Hamsthetics
I actually feel bad for them. It's so sad that they are not able to feel alive without someone in their lives to be dominated and manipulated.
Exactly. Its a dependency problem. And most victims who dont have firm understanding of themselves will fall into the trap
I mean, it's kinda okay/tolerable if they are somewhat attractive or smart, but most of them are unbelievably stupid with big ego and their rotten personality is very obvious even to the most gullible/naive target victims.
Their inflexibility to see life in different angle and failed to recognize that personal freedom is exist will keep them miserable to be around/live with.click to expand
Posted by Hamstheticsdo you watch suits? Which one would you tolerate?Posted by BumboklaatPosted by Hamsthetics
I actually feel bad for them. It's so sad that they are not able to feel alive without someone in their lives to be dominated and manipulated.
Exactly. Its a dependency problem. And most victims who dont have firm understanding of themselves will fall into the trap
I mean, it's kinda okay/tolerable if they are somewhat attractive or smart, but most of them are unbelievably stupid with big ego and their rotten personality is very obvious even to the most gullible/naive target victims.
Their inflexibility to see life in different angle and failed to recognize that personal freedom is exist will keep them miserable to be around/live with.click to expand
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