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Posted by DMVThat’s actually exactly what I was thinking about telling him. Definitely don’t want to criticize a cancer, LOL! I also plan on telling him how happy it makes me when he sends me random texts. Hopefully that will give him some motivation, especially because I’m going out of town next weekend for six days. Texting will be crucial for communication for sure.
Have you said to him in a joking manner
“You can text or call me ya know. You won’t ever his my voicemail.”
Something to give him reassurance that he CAN initiate.
If he still is shy and not making the effort. Tell him that you require more effort from him. If he gets defensive, split
Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by -CapriquariusPosted by Rania_1498Posted by -Capriquarius
Tbh after 10 months of dating I would feel friendzoned. And if you don't feel it just let it go. I don't see anything bad from his side, it's normal that if someone loves you want to have sex with you.
But never tried to show emotions
Or connect emotionally with me.
But what is for you showing emotional connection? He said he loves you. He spend 10 months dating exclusively only you. I think those are kind of emotional connection signs.
I don’t know if it’s only me.
He can disappear for weeks.
Happened sometimes when I try to contact him
And he doesn’t reply or text back.
I don’t know him deeply..
He doesn’t share much about his life.
I even once asked him what does he do for a living
He quickly changed the subject & didn’t want to answer.
I gave him time and space
And I was very patient with him.
I can’t go into more details.
All I can say
That after 10 months I feel that I don’t really know the person.
Go find a Pisces man.
Neve dated one.
I met few and felt attracted to them
But never to me no idea why.mostly
Gemini men are attracted to me.
I’ve been with cancers,
Scorpios too.
My rising sign is Gemini
Sun in Capricorn 9th house
Moon in Pisces 10th house.
Venus , Mercury in Capricorn
Mars in Scorpio 6th house.
It’s advised to stay out of relationships with the sign that is in your 12th house. They could do you in. Geminis have always disappointed me and I am a “compatible” sign with them. I don’t think your experience with them will be different.click to expand
Posted by virghost
My partner isn't a taurus but has sag moon/gem venus and he loves to be all over me. Like touching is huge, so perhaps the dream is indicating that it's not so much that he desires you sexually but intimately. I feel like yes, a lot of see the need for getting close to get sexual but sex is an intimate act. It's a real vulnerable act. He may just be wanting to get closer to you and feel closer to you through touch. Perhaps he feels like you're not taking him seriously and you feeling disrespect and pushing him away is making him feel rejected. If you want to make it work you need to communicate and avoid falling into that social media trap of blocking. *incase I have to state it, I am not saying to go jump his bones to make it better.
Posted by virghost
My partner isn't a taurus but has sag moon/gem venus and he loves to be all over me. Like touching is huge, so perhaps the dream is indicating that it's not so much that he desires you sexually but intimately. I feel like yes, a lot of see the need for getting close to get sexual but sex is an intimate act. It's a real vulnerable act. He may just be wanting to get closer to you and feel closer to you through touch. Perhaps he feels like you're not taking him seriously and you feeling disrespect and pushing him away is making him feel rejected. If you want to make it work you need to communicate and avoid falling into that social media trap of blocking. *incase I have to state it, I am not saying to go jump his bones to make it better.
Posted by -CapriquariusYou don't listen.. He hasn't established emotional connection with her, she doesn't trust him, she doesn't feel safe with him and from the sound of it, he has been trying to buy her body..
Tbh after 10 months of dating I would feel friendzoned. And if you don't feel it just let it go. I don't see anything bad from his side, it's normal that if someone loves you want to have sex with you.
Posted by Rania_1498Good. Let him sit in his misery.. You don't force a connection, you either have it or you don't. You need connection before getting physical and he's not capable of giving. This isn't going to work for you so leave him be.Posted by virghost
My partner isn't a taurus but has sag moon/gem venus and he loves to be all over me. Like touching is huge, so perhaps the dream is indicating that it's not so much that he desires you sexually but intimately. I feel like yes, a lot of see the need for getting close to get sexual but sex is an intimate act. It's a real vulnerable act. He may just be wanting to get closer to you and feel closer to you through touch. Perhaps he feels like you're not taking him seriously and you feeling disrespect and pushing him away is making him feel rejected. If you want to make it work you need to communicate and avoid falling into that social media trap of blocking. *incase I have to state it, I am not saying to go jump his bones to make it better.
He's the one who blocked me everywhere i said.
I didn't block him.
He didn't want to communicate.
I was clear maybe sharp .
But he choose to be rude
Not communicate
& blocked my number
And everywhere in social media.click to expand
Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by -CapriquariusPosted by Rania_1498Posted by -Capriquarius
Tbh after 10 months of dating I would feel friendzoned. And if you don't feel it just let it go. I don't see anything bad from his side, it's normal that if someone loves you want to have sex with you.
But never tried to show emotions
Or connect emotionally with me.
But what is for you showing emotional connection? He said he loves you. He spend 10 months dating exclusively only you. I think those are kind of emotional connection signs.
I don’t know if it’s only me.
He can disappear for weeks.
Happened sometimes when I try to contact him
And he doesn’t reply or text back.
I don’t know him deeply..
He doesn’t share much about his life.
I even once asked him what does he do for a living
He quickly changed the subject & didn’t want to answer.
I gave him time and space
And I was very patient with him.
I can’t go into more details.
All I can say
That after 10 months I feel that I don’t really know the person.
Go find a Pisces man.
Neve dated one.
I met few and felt attracted to them
But never to me no idea why.mostly
Gemini men are attracted to me.
I’ve been with cancers,
Scorpios too.
My rising sign is Gemini
Sun in Capricorn 9th house
Moon in Pisces 10th house.
Venus , Mercury in Capricorn
Mars in Scorpio 6th house.
It’s advised to stay out of relationships with the sign that is in your 12th house. They could do you in. Geminis have always disappointed me and I am a “compatible” sign with them. I don’t think your experience with them will be different.
Which sign in 12 house?
I didn't get you.
Ive dated geminis
And ive been in a relationship with one for over two years.
And the cancer man that ive been with for over 8 years has venus in gemini-
This taurus man who i use to date for over 10 months also has venus in gemini.
I wouldn't say disppoînted..
But i would say
We were just two persons who wanted diffrent things.
It’s advised by some astrologers to avoid relationships with people with their Sun in the same sign of your 12th house/rising sign.click to expand
Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by bmoon8Posted by Rania_1498Posted by -CapriquariusPosted by Rania_1498Posted by -Capriquarius
Tbh after 10 months of dating I would feel friendzoned. And if you don't feel it just let it go. I don't see anything bad from his side, it's normal that if someone loves you want to have sex with you.
But never tried to show emotions
Or connect emotionally with me.
But what is for you showing emotional connection? He said he loves you. He spend 10 months dating exclusively only you. I think those are kind of emotional connection signs.
I don’t know if it’s only me.
He can disappear for weeks.
Happened sometimes when I try to contact him
And he doesn’t reply or text back.
I don’t know him deeply..
He doesn’t share much about his life.
I even once asked him what does he do for a living
He quickly changed the subject & didn’t want to answer.
I gave him time and space
And I was very patient with him.
I can’t go into more details.
All I can say
That after 10 months I feel that I don’t really know the person.
Go find a Pisces man.
Neve dated one.
I met few and felt attracted to them
But never to me no idea why.mostly
Gemini men are attracted to me.
I’ve been with cancers,
Scorpios too.
My rising sign is Gemini
Sun in Capricorn 9th house
Moon in Pisces 10th house.
Venus , Mercury in Capricorn
Mars in Scorpio 6th house.
It’s advised to stay out of relationships with the sign that is in your 12th house. They could do you in. Geminis have always disappointed me and I am a “compatible” sign with them. I don’t think your experience with them will be different.
Which sign in 12 house?
I didn't get you.
Ive dated geminis
And ive been in a relationship with one for over two years.
And the cancer man that ive been with for over 8 years has venus in gemini-
This taurus man who i use to date for over 10 months also has venus in gemini.
I wouldn't say disppoînted..
But i would say
We were just two persons who wanted diffrent things.
It’s advised by some astrologers to avoid relationships with people with their Sun in the same sign of your 12th house/rising sign.click to expand
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