Posted by Undine
Not even tempted by what appears to be another game-based, non-story. Like fake reality TV with added special effects.
I'd probably get more of a kick by imagining the room will blow off if I don't finish my task in 30 min
Posted by Undine
Not even tempted by what appears to be another game-based, non-story. Like fake reality TV with added special effects.
I'd probably get more of a kick by imagining the room will blow off if I don't finish my task in 30 min
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Posted by Lula_Posted by Rania_1498Posted by Lula_Posted by Rania_1498Posted by -CapriquariusPosted by Rania_1498Posted by -Capriquarius
Tbh after 10 months of dating I would feel friendzoned. And if you don't feel it just let it go. I don't see anything bad from his side, it's normal that if someone loves you want to have sex with you.
But never tried to show emotions
Or connect emotionally with me.
But what is for you showing emotional connection? He said he loves you. He spend 10 months dating exclusively only you. I think those are kind of emotional connection signs.
I don’t know if it’s only me.
He can disappear for weeks.
Happened sometimes when I try to contact him
And he doesn’t reply or text back.
I don’t know him deeply..
He doesn’t share much about his life.
I even once asked him what does he do for a living
He quickly changed the subject & didn’t want to answer.
I gave him time and space
And I was very patient with him.
I can’t go into more details.
All I can say
That after 10 months I feel that I don’t really know the person.
He's probably dating other girls! LMAO at his shady ass and can't even tell you that he's unemployed? Thank God you didn't sleep with this shady loser.
No I don’t think he’s seeing others
Because of many factors.
One of them that we know the Same persons.
And I noticed that he has a very low self esteem.
He never say good things about himself.
You initially stated you didn't know if he was exclusively dating you and now you're saying you don't think he's dating other ppl, OK but his behavior is still shady. Look at his actions Capricorn ha!click to expand
Posted by -CapriquariusPosted by bmoon8Posted by Moloko_vellocet
The dream is about you.
You’re rejecting him so you refuse to see his penis or want to use it.
You don’t see him as a sexual object. You’ve kept him around for 10 months and that’s still not enough for you to be intimate with him.
You see him as a source to feel desired and to never fulfill his desires. You’ve taken away his dick for the sake of your own needs.
You emasculated him.
Why are you playing with him ? Stop talking to someone that wants something you don’t want.
“You emasculated him” - Do I hear an echo here?
Don’t get confused with the length of time that she was with him as quality time spent. There was no emotional connection and he would disappear at times. She requires an emotional connection to be intimate with them. She does have a Pisces moon after all.
I would rather say it's woman thing the need of emotional connection, and rather said Capricorn since I know few of them keeping their virginity till wedding, not Pisces moon. On the contrary, I know Pisces mooners and they don't need that to have to expand
Posted by -CapriquariusPosted by bmoon8Posted by Moloko_vellocet
The dream is about you.
You’re rejecting him so you refuse to see his penis or want to use it.
You don’t see him as a sexual object. You’ve kept him around for 10 months and that’s still not enough for you to be intimate with him.
You see him as a source to feel desired and to never fulfill his desires. You’ve taken away his dick for the sake of your own needs.
You emasculated him.
Why are you playing with him ? Stop talking to someone that wants something you don’t want.
“You emasculated him” - Do I hear an echo here?
Don’t get confused with the length of time that she was with him as quality time spent. There was no emotional connection and he would disappear at times. She requires an emotional connection to be intimate with them. She does have a Pisces moon after all.
I would rather say it's woman thing the need of emotional connection, and rather said Capricorn since I know few of them keeping their virginity till wedding, not Pisces moon. On the contrary, I know Pisces mooners and they don't need that to have to expand
Posted by Rania_1498then he's not the one to go after tbh if he stay playing those games even after you tell him to communicate then idkPosted by virghost
My partner isn't a taurus but has sag moon/gem venus and he loves to be all over me. Like touching is huge, so perhaps the dream is indicating that it's not so much that he desires you sexually but intimately. I feel like yes, a lot of see the need for getting close to get sexual but sex is an intimate act. It's a real vulnerable act. He may just be wanting to get closer to you and feel closer to you through touch. Perhaps he feels like you're not taking him seriously and you feeling disrespect and pushing him away is making him feel rejected. If you want to make it work you need to communicate and avoid falling into that social media trap of blocking. *incase I have to state it, I am not saying to go jump his bones to make it better.
He's the one who blocked me everywhere i said.
I didn't block him.
He didn't want to communicate.
I was clear maybe sharp .
But he choose to be rude
Not communicate
& blocked my number
And everywhere in social to expand
Posted by StardustRevolutionThe worst is when you get back into the habit of eating whenever or however many times. I will try to at least fast 13hours on a bad day but I try to stick with 16-20hour fasting. I don't like feeling full at the time it's not a good feeling so now I'm back on track and have noticed even if I had an early dinner and it's been 16hours I'm not hungry yet.
Yes 3 days
More of experience gainz than anything
You notice how much you are not really hungry but eating just out of compulsion
And how much energy you actually have
Posted by 81gemsit is all legality you are aware? as humans we wouldn't do half the stuff we do because it's all in order to keep us in a structured society but go ahead preach about how marriage is in our nature of evolution...Posted by virghostPosted by 81gems
Been married almost 20 years.
I see a lot of bad advice on this thread by people who divorced, or never got married and only knew others who were also divorced.
Marriage is a tremendous balancing act and a huge sacrifice. People these days, and 10 years ago, 5 years ago, etc. don’t take the time to really get to know one another on deep levels. They don’t know how to talk to each other, can’t admit mistakes, don’t help the other person grow along with them. If you read that and think it’s not your “job” to help your spouse grow into the best versions of themselves don’t get married.
If you go into a marriage thinking it’s a “starter” one or that divorce should be easy fix don’t get married. If you want to keep your finances separate, you obviously don’t have enough faith or trust in the other person so, yeah, DON’T GET MARRIED! It really is that simple, yet people are too stupid to understand.
The question of “did you make mistakes in the marriage” is no different than “did you make any mistakes in life?” Seriously, who ever told you marriages should be mistake free? That sexual attraction is a give, and that love will always ooze? Who told you passion never wanes? Who told you marriage didn’t require work?
Married couples need to be able to compromise, give of themselves even when they don’t want to. Most people suck at marriage and can’t see staying in it for the long haul, so they bail. They don’t stop to problem solve. Too busy, disinterested, or selfish to try and repair damage.
It takes a hell of a lot of a lot of stuff to be married and most kids today have the wrong idea about what marriage should do for THEM. So yeah, most people are too ignorant to be married.
There is no one thing that “works” on its own. But years ago, my husband told me “it works if you want it to.” He’s right. But the “want” requires hard work, patience, compromise, dedication from BOTH people involved. If this isn’t something you’re prepared to do, DON’T GET MARRIED!
Nah, I'm sorry but no. My parents born and raised in a third world country with a lot of unspoken trauma regardless of the times then and now doesn't change the fact how deeply they got to know one another. You may know someone deeply but unfortunately unforeseeable things do happen where the person you deeply knew, changes. Whether it's a temporary or forever change it still impacts a marriage. Damage done, is still damage. Point blank marriage is a contract, a paper signed by two parties stating that they'll be sworn to a life together where they share assets until one of them dies. It does work if you want it to, that's true. I feel like people don't talk enough or bother doing internal work within themselves before dragging someone along for the ride of their life because it can ruin another's spirit for eternity. Marriage is a flex for many, don't know why.
Well I suppose we *could* look at marriage the way you do; merely a legal institution or some crap like that.
Then again, we’re supposedly humans beings and not robots, so…click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineI forgot their complete username I think they were a taurus and their username was either tubby or had tubby in it. Anyways she would tear a new one to anyone. Very confrontational and opinionated. I just tried to stay clear tbh I was like 14 at the time when I had joined dxp back then.Posted by virghost
P-angel was more like angry at life insightful though, now Tubby was out to get everyone and anyone.
Who’s Tubby?click to expand
Posted by SitusInversus27I tried to stick to it but it only lasted for the summer of last year, I just found it difficult i'm trying to incorporate it again but what kills me is I love coffee and I would prefer to have my cup with some oatmilk and lil bit of sugar. I like black coffee by itself but I don't love it so all day I'm thinking about the works.
I practice intermittent fasting every Friday-Sunday for 48 hours. My last meal is on Friday evening around 8 PM then I stay solely on water and 1 cup of black cloffee the next morning, till finally breaking the fast on Sunday evening around 7 PM.
This has helped me massively giving me better digestion and a boost in overall appetite.
Posted by virghostI joined 2011.....was is before then?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by virghost
P-angel was more like angry at life insightful though, now Tubby was out to get everyone and anyone.
Who’s Tubby?
I forgot their complete username I think they were a taurus and their username was either tubby or had tubby in it. Anyways she would tear a new one to anyone. Very confrontational and opinionated. I just tried to stay clear tbh I was like 14 at the time when I had joined dxp back to expand
Posted by Rania_1498
need your support,
your advice,your thoughts & feelings about a dream and a situation connected to it.
Few days back
I had an argument with this Taurus man.
He has moon in Sagittarius.
Mars in Taurus.
Venus in Gemini.
We were dating for 10 months.
& he always wanted to have sex with me
He was very direct about It.
From my side I explained to him that I need to
Feel the emotional connection before.
He said that he loves me
& it’s time to be intimate.
So he can understand more the relationship.
In order for us to move to the next level.
Anyway ..
all his text msgs is about
How much he desires me.
I ,sent him an audio msg.
Explaining to him how how rude,to insist & how
he doesn’t care only about
The physical connection I told him
he should respect me
As human after all am not an object.
He got angry too..
Said something not really nice
& blocked me everywhere.
This incident was a week ago.
I didn’t react or tried to contact him.
It’s his decision & I respect it.
Yesterday night
I had a dream where he was
Trying to visit me at home.
Waiting outside my door.I
Went out , asked him if he’s ok?
His answer was * i love you *
I laughed, so he came more close
To hug me.
But he put his private part more close to me,
But I felt nothing , it’s like he doesn’t have it anymore.
Asked him again.
Why it’s not there ?
He smiled,
I woke up from the dream.
Feeling good.
Your feelings about this dream
& the whole situation !
Need your advices.
If someone will enlighten me, I shall be very grateful"
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