Posted by PhoenixRisingOk, firing squad is it!Posted by Undine
Not even tempted by what appears to be another game-based, non-story. Like fake reality TV with added special effects.
I'd probably get more of a kick by imagining the room will blow off if I don't finish my task in 30 min
Eh, the show is half way there. The room's don't quite blow up to expand
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Posted by Rania_1498Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by Rania_1498
But never tried to show emotions
Or connect emotionally with me.
This may have been asked... How did you try to connect with him emotionally? What was it he wasn't doing or that you feel he needed to do more to connect with you emotionally?
Wasn’t clear enough ?
The guy showed rudeness the moment I told him
I need to know him better and be sure about his feelings.
I can’t go through details.
But he never shared anything with me.
And if I mentioned that he blocked me not because I’m devastated or sad about it.
It was just a detail.
I was thinking it might help you help
Me understand the dream.
That’s to expand
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by Rania_1498Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by Rania_1498
But never tried to show emotions
Or connect emotionally with me.
This may have been asked... How did you try to connect with him emotionally? What was it he wasn't doing or that you feel he needed to do more to connect with you emotionally?
Wasn’t clear enough ?
The guy showed rudeness the moment I told him
I need to know him better and be sure about his feelings.
I can’t go through details.
But he never shared anything with me.
And if I mentioned that he blocked me not because I’m devastated or sad about it.
It was just a detail.
I was thinking it might help you help
Me understand the dream.
That’s all.
If it was clear I wouldn't have asked.
Anyway, you chose to ignore the remainder of my post the covered my interpretation about your dream, but you were a bit butt hurt because you didn't like my delivery. Not gonna apologize for how I communicate. You can always ask for clarification though.
I am one of the last people to judge you for honouring your feelings to wait or needing to feel more connected to someone before becoming intimate, but... Fish sq Gem Moon + first day Merc Rx = time to move on.
Why are you still engaging me or reading my post if you're not feeling my vibe? I can see your issue...learn to disengage. I will help you sort out your dream
Anyway, best of to expand
Posted by Rania_1498
What’s wrong 😑 with my chart !?
I’ve been in a relationships that lasted more than 4 and 8 years.
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by Rania_1498
What’s wrong 😑 with my chart !?
I’ve been in a relationships that lasted more than 4 and 8 years.
Why do you personalize everything? Please point out where I wrote there was anything wrong with your chart? How can I suggest that there is something wrong with the energy they were born with?
Simmer down. There is a reason I don't engage Fish Moons for longer than a few moments....
As bmoon pointed out, there are a few issues that made (or would have continue to make) your interaction with this man challenging. That doesn't mean there is an astrological issue with you, or him. Simple not the best energy together. Okay?
With that I'm out. Unlike you I can easily disengage from people when I'm not feeling their to expand
Posted by DustDevil
Posted by virghost
Posted by UndineWow!
You need to catch him first.
I would have played cat and mouse with my ex Fish for ages, but I've put my foot down and said I'm coming to live with him! There was nowhere to hide afterwards![]()
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