Who is better for a Sagittarius man? A Sagittarius woman or a Gemini woman?

Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more
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Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.