Who is better for a Sagittarius man? A Sagittarius woman or a Gemini woman?

Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.
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That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.