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Jun 03, 2020Comments: 0 · Posts: 350 · Topics: 47
In grad school, a Gemini guy friend ended up in a study group with a Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. His first group (Gemini, Pisces, and Aries) was full of drama, backstabbing, and people flirting with each other. He told the Virgo. The Virgo felt bad for him and invited him in their group under the condition that he would contribute and be a follower.
He accepted and said they worked a lot and were not as fun as the other group. For example, after studying late on a Friday, they would go out for one or two beers and be back at school Saturday morning. The other group partied Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and sometimes Sunday night.
This was the best thing for this Gemini.