Bumble is doing God's work. Now women know how men feel

Posted by Hypnotoad
Posted by nanobotz

I downloaded bumble but didn’t use it. I found way too much effort and not in my personality type to be the pursuer. I prefer to just have messages come in as a woman does, and then I end up ignoring them because how many times can you honestly answer a disingenuous “how are you?” before it gets too boring 🙄

Having some interesting or weird shit going on in your photos/bio for a guy to make some stupid joke about is great, anything at all. You'd be amazed at how little there is to talk about in chicks bio photos. Most girls bios are literally just one big "how are you?"

yeah tinder is just an extension of linkedlin its cringe me
click to expand

I'm pretty sure you have zero idea what LinkedIn is