Posted by virgoOPPPIs your rising sign Virgo as well?
damn Cap is in the 5th house of Virgo. never really had good experiences with them but they're super hot yeah. but now i feel whatever is in your 5th, you just gotta avoid. too chaotic, too messy. ultimately unreliable.
but Aqua in the 6th might explain why i usually find such comfort with Aquas. my 2 greatest friends are Aquas. Leo is a close 2nd. but Leos will leave when you've done something extremely degrading to yourself (like staying with a Caprihoe for a considerable amount of time). Aquas tend to just let you be. And they do have ideas that i'm innately subscribed to as well. even better that nothing sexual goes on amongst us for i've always thought it would defeat the very purpose of the union.