People that don't date signs they are compatible with are inherently damaged people.

I know a lot of people will disagree but I want to tackle the first objection, which is that there is more to it than the sun sign itself. Now I agree there except I find that people who have inner planets in signs other than their sun signs are already not true to themselves and have to work harder to find their sense of identity. In some ways, they can come off as deceptive and just flat out fake.

Like imagine meeting a Sag whose inner planets are all in Capricorn or Scorpio, are you really meeting a Sag? I'd say no, you are just meeting a whatever.

Now people who habitually go for incompatible elements aren't true to themselves and tend to be those who don't have any sense of identity. If anything, they are so uncomfortable in their own skin that they are inherently scared of anyone who brings the real version of themselves out. Most of them will live unfulfilled lives with unfulfilled lovers and become so miserable that they make the lives of other crap.

A good example of this is Chrissy Teigen, a Sag. Now Chrissy is with a Taurus but let's focus more on how this unhinged witch has tried to bully everyone she has come close to, she is such a poor representation of the Sag sign. Why so? Well, it's likely because her love life is trash and she uses the frustration from that to go around and bully people.

Let's give another good example of a sign known for doing this: Leo men. Bill Clinton comes to mind, he's a Leo that married a Scorpio. End result? The Monica Lewinsky scenario. I'll stick with Leos and go with The Terminator, once again a Leo Man that married a Scorpio woman and the end result? He cheated yet again. I think Tom Brady will fall victim to this same ordeal himself as he married a Cancer.

Why did they do this? Because they are sensitive Leos with a thin skin who, as aroused as they may feel by fire sign women, cannot handle a blow to their delicate egos. The end result is that they end up cheating on their wives when they could have just gone for a Fire sign woman and had a passionate marriage.

Yeah I know, call me crazy.