Posted by UndineI’m trying to chill out, what’s really replaying in my head is me telling him I miss him and him ignoring that message and responding to the others. I would hope it’s not a game, because I feel he genuinely cares for me. But I’m having a hard time with it. It’s easy for me to understand if something is openly communicated to me. I don’t respond well to things that come off as passive aggressive.Posted by Nabilah92Posted by Undine
If you tell him "I miss you" after he asked for space from your constant texting, it sounds like you are guilt tripping him.
Did you give him enough space to miss you, or do you expect him to always echo your words, to the point they lose their meaning?
I didn’t think of it that way. I said it to tell him how I felt, not to guilt trip him. We’d say it almost every day, with him being the one who said it first. But they probably lost their meaning, maybe for both of us. I gave him space, we’d go days without talking cause I refused to reach out.
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Chill out a bit, before the situation becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
I personally like to slow down the daily texting before someone's visit, since: 1) Will get plenty of conversation soon; 2) I need sort out other obligations (work, family, etc) to make up for the time I need to take off because of the visit. From what he said, he's doing the same. This is not a game, it's about timing and setting to expand