drowning in water signs

"Xtina, we are two peas in a pod! As I read through the threads I always find myself laughing when I come to your posts...you pretty much take the words out of my mouth!!!"
Exactly! Whenever I read your post I thought the same things "Wow here's a girl I that is taking things out of my head and putting it into comprehensive words." Sometimes it's hard for me to verbalize whats in my head so sometimes I don't even post (i.e. lazy), but everything you've put I've totally agreed with too.
I like my Libra moon, but I find it most in opposition of my sun when it comes to relationship. I like to blame a lot of my poor decisions on my Libra moon but in reality I think it's my impetuous sun sign that makes me make these rash decisions. But, I've also read that having a Libra moon makes me want to be in a relationship constantly.
I definitely see the Virgo come out of me, I've definitely become more of a perfectionist and neat freak. Normally I'm not. But it only comes in spurts. I'm clumsy too. :p