fading out without ghosting (getting someone to lose interest in you)

Posted by Findingbalance
Posted by serenidad
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …

i offered. he declined.
he said the money was well spent cuz he had a great time. :/
he’s a really nice guy.
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I think you're a bit stuck because he's not able to remove himself from his fantasy that it could work. But that a guess entirely. Maybe try to redirect the convo into how he's going about meeting someone who he CAN have a relationship with?

I feel like trying to fade out won't work if someone is deluded already. Quite honestly though fading out isnt any better than ghosting, people still know what you're doing and it's not any less annoying/frustrating/hurtful (whatever you're trying to avoid by not ghosting, except that is, if you're trying to avoid adult in and speaking up on what's going on...which as someone that prefers to avoid confrontationI understand).

There's also the off possibility that he knows it's not going anywhere, he has a partner and this is a fantasy game for him. I've heard of stranger things. But really, how many people come here to post about (insert sun sign) that they think is coming onto them, having feelings etc but that person is in a relationship and when they actually tried to make it something it crashed and burned because the other person was only enjoying sone recreational flirting?

There's so many possibilities here.

If he's on your socials i imagine he knows you're in a committed relationship.
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you’re right. he knows i’m with someone but he’s like one of those people who think if someone isn’t married yet, it’s fair game.

he says he’s single but whether he really is or not is none of my concern cuz i’m not trying to go anywhere with this dude if you know what i mean lol 😅

i gotta man up. that’s the only solution lol 😂

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