Posted by PuzzlePiecesyou’re right. it’s on them in a way. :/
Well it’s kinder to not respond & give him false hope. I had a guy come to my work because he wouldn’t accept it. Had to repeat again.. I am not interested. He got upset when he saw me on an online dating site. But truth is I had told him multiple times. It’s on them if they can’t let go. Typically friends is just someone waiting for you to change your mind.
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Posted by alexscariesMuch of that actually has to do with culture I think. Dating expectations, gender, feminism, rights, raising kids - all that has to do with where you are living. From my perspective there are no gender wars, toxic feminism or incel stuff. Much of that seems centric to the English speaking world, or just the USA.Posted by LaGenereuz
Honestly I think the rising numbers of broken families is what led us to this war,
Not many kids are raised in a healthy father mother figure household.
I know single moms are doing their best but I think it's not enough without a father.
And then there's feminism pushing women to believe they don't need a man, and then these red pill podcasters pushing men to believe women should be servants for them, all this
And then there's social media and the hookup culture facilitating cheating
It's really difficult now a days to keep a relationship alive.
I think there's some interesting points, but a lot of nuances.
Agree the manosphere and the more extremist elements of third wave feminism are toxic and create a phony narrative of girls vs boys mainly to younger people.
I think hookup culture existed way before Tinder. Ask any man whose been out on the pull in a bar or club.
I think some single parents are great at taking care of their children, while some plop their brats down in front of cocomelon and go out, but not to work. I've known single parents who are great parents.
Relationships have always been difficult I think less people stay together for convenience that's all that's to expand
Posted by poppyflowerIntelligent, rational and open minded as always 😘Posted by Midnite_RiserPosted by poppyflowerPosted by Midnite_RiserPosted by poppyflowerPosted by Midnite_RiserPosted by DMVPosted by MrBalancePosted by DMVPosted by Midnite_Riser
The more power women are given, the quicker humanity descends to it's own destruction. And it is the truth. Look at what's happening today!
Have men evolved along with women ?
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You wanna be a boss babe, goahead. Enjoy your single life
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But have men evolved?
No, not in my opinion.
Sometimes when you have everything you fall into complacency and laziness overcomes you
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Women have only evolved into their own demise. Just take a look around. I have never had any problems with women at all as many fall for me easy. But that's besides the point. We have evolved, past your BS. It's a slow process but many men are waking up. And what sort of complacency are you talking about? Some people never reach the success that they want be it man or woman and that is reality. A woman can reach all the success she wants, guess what? No guy gives a sh**. So then, what difference is that making? A woman could be a billionaire, but if she's not attractive, she is worthless. Sorry to burst your bubble. Having all of the success and money in the world will not guarentee you love. Because the reality is, what will the interested individual see first? What sticks out the most.
Not attractive to you =/= Not attractive to everyone
Meaning that the reality is that the choice to go for career success and being "unattractive" doesn't really deter a woman's chance at love. An "attractive" woman isn't guaranteed love either.
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Women have a very small time window to settle.
To have kids...not in terms of finding love.
What women consider love in their younger years and what they consider love when they hit the wall are 2 completely different things.
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That remains to be only your belief (and probably Rein's belief), that a woman who passed that window has hit the wall. It may be a bit presumptuous of you to make conclusive statements like that about anyone without really getting to know them and their circumstances to expand
Posted by Sooner_or_Later
- Sol de Janerio - Cheirosa '62 (Caramel/Pistachio scented...might sound a little weird but it is the PERFECT summer scent...I've had guys ask me quite a few times what I'm wearing)
Posted by LaGenereuz“if you're gonna sleep with a lot of women why do you think you deserve to end up with a virgin”Posted by alexscariesPosted by LaGenereuz
Honestly I think the rising numbers of broken families is what led us to this war,
Not many kids are raised in a healthy father mother figure household.
I know single moms are doing their best but I think it's not enough without a father.
And then there's feminism pushing women to believe they don't need a man, and then these red pill podcasters pushing men to believe women should be servants for them, all this
And then there's social media and the hookup culture facilitating cheating
It's really difficult now a days to keep a relationship alive.
I think there's some interesting points, but a lot of nuances.
Agree the manosphere and the more extremist elements of third wave feminism are toxic and create a phony narrative of girls vs boys mainly to younger people.
I think hookup culture existed way before Tinder. Ask any man whose been out on the pull in a bar or club.
I think some single parents are great at taking care of their children, while some plop their brats down in front of cocomelon and go out, but not to work. I've known single parents who are great parents.
Relationships have always been difficult I think less people stay together for convenience that's all that's changed.
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But seriously what do women want? Equality? I mean look at those women crying on TikTok cause a man didn't call back, or paid for a first date.
And also look at all these men complaining about women body counts, if you're gonna sleep with a lot of women why do you think you deserve to end up with a virgin?
Biologically speaking men are more in an advantage to find better and we'll paid jobs than women, to have kids late in life and to sleep around without any risk than women, women can't seem to accept that and maybe why they think men are still oppressing them?click to expand
Posted by MonaLisa26Posted by DKPosted by alexscariesPosted by LaGenereuz
Honestly I think the rising numbers of broken families is what led us to this war,
Not many kids are raised in a healthy father mother figure household.
I know single moms are doing their best but I think it's not enough without a father.
And then there's feminism pushing women to believe they don't need a man, and then these red pill podcasters pushing men to believe women should be servants for them, all this
And then there's social media and the hookup culture facilitating cheating
It's really difficult now a days to keep a relationship alive.
I think there's some interesting points, but a lot of nuances.
Agree the manosphere and the more extremist elements of third wave feminism are toxic and create a phony narrative of girls vs boys mainly to younger people.
I think hookup culture existed way before Tinder. Ask any man whose been out on the pull in a bar or club.
I think some single parents are great at taking care of their children, while some plop their brats down in front of cocomelon and go out, but not to work. I've known single parents who are great parents.
Relationships have always been difficult I think less people stay together for convenience that's all that's changed.
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Much of that actually has to do with culture I think. Dating expectations, gender, feminism, rights, raising kids - all that has to do with where you are living. From my perspective there are no gender wars, toxic feminism or incel stuff. Much of that seems centric to the English speaking world, or just the USA.
Here it’s common to live together without being married. It actually is the most common way. We have a lot of single parents too and no one perceives that as a bad thing. It doesn’t come with any stigma.
Regarding hook up culture, how do people meet each other? You are horny, so you go to a club and hook up with someone. Later, if all is good, you maybe go and get a coffee together. You may meet again for more sex. If all is good more casual dating follows, eventually leading into a relationship somewhere down the line. It’s “I want sex, and I’m going to go for it”. Sex is a natural thing here – talked about, encouraged, and considered a healthy and fun thing to do – rather than being kept under lock and key until a man goes through a series of courting rituals to win the woman over. We cannot grasp the idea of waiting to have sex. That’s how it works here. But maybe in other parts of the world, the man is expected to chase and seduce the woman, while the woman holds back on sex because that’s the way to get commitment.
Gender roles are considered antiquated here. Ladies, this means you will open your own door and pay your own bills. The man is not expected to lead or plan the dates; it’s an equal job. And it is not unusual that a Scandinavian woman might be the one to approach a guy in a bar.
Because Scandinavian women LOOKS like a guys so they HAVE to so guy knows it’s a woman…click to expand
Posted by StubbornSagittariusYeah I think I remember reading something like that along those lines about Saturn in the 8th house. As far as my chart as a whole goes, I don't think I can relate to it that much.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by StubbornSagittariusPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by StubbornSagittariusPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by StubbornSagittariusPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by StubbornSagittariusPosted by cersei
Omg it’s been so long since an astrologer has been in here! I’d appreciate if you could look at my chart (: thank you 😊
Wow your 1st and 12th are packed! You may appear like an Aquarius to most people because of your ascendant ofc but it doesn't mean that's how you are. And since you have so packed 12th house you will feel Piscean to the fullest Mars in 7th house suggests difficulties in long term relationships from what I know so far. And since your 7th house is im Leo you need someone who is kind, warm and big hearted. It also means you put an emphasize on relationships. I don't do readings, this is just a very small observation because I found your chart so interesting, due to these two houses so packed
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I have a fully packed 9th house and I don't feel like a Sagittarius. Charts are full of balony.
Yeah, but you're not Sag and she is a Pisces 😁 I have packed 8th house but I don't feel like Scorpio either. I only feel those things that are there in Scorpionic way, because my 8th house is in Scorpio in fact.
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A loaded 8th house? Damn. That sound worst than a packed 12th house. I bet you got tons of fear. And probably living with it.
5 objects in it, but only 2 are planets - Saturn and Pluto. I think saturn brings stability to that house and Pluto in it's own house can be both good and bad. Others are asteroids and SN. I have certain fears, but definitelly not that many. It's mainly related to loss of loved ones, loss of health and poverty...which are all pretty basic fears for most people I think
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Oh yeah I can relate to having a fear of lost loved ones. I'm more fear about ME dying. I know that nobody lives forever and we all must let go of the past and move on. But it's hard for some people.
I sort of don't have fear of that, just wouldn't want it to be long and painful, that would be my fear regarding that. Saturn's been shaking my fear in last half a year as it transits my 12th house, facing me with all my fears but I'm hoping for coming out of it stronger and braver as it's supposed to be... In which house is your Saturn?
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I have Saturn in the 8th house in Gemini. I did once tried looking that up to see what that mean and it's not anything exciting or interesting. Sound like a boring placement.
Saturn in 8th house indicates long life span and death of natural causes. Unless otherwise afflictedclick to expand
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