Posted by StubbornSagYes indeedPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by GC69_
Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.
I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤
The amount of men who wait to get married and have kids and then cheat is ridiculous 🥴
Idiots …
Some women are idiots too. They know they cheat and they stay with them anyway. Long ago there was this incredibly inappropriate Aqua guy that I went out for a coffee once. I said I want nothing to do with him and his wife blew up my phone with calls next day cause she found a number and kept calling until I answered. And she says "he does this all the time and pretends it's someone's else number"🙄 well why are you with him at all then if he does it all the time and if it bothers you that he does 🙄🤔 I just said "I told him to stop calling me and I'm telling you the same, solve your issues together, I've got nothing to do with him". Needless to say they're still married lolclick to expand
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Posted by MelanthoReminds me of an older B-Movie which was surprisingly good.
It pretty much already started with the arrival of Slaughterbots. Swiss govt was already using them on certain projects. Now with the new AI Act, we can hopefully prevent humanity from major disasters.
Posted by EyerollMercury in Virgo seems spot on. She likes to discuss and exchange a lot of opinions, but very analytical and scrutinizes often.Posted by LuckyLibra7Posted by EyerollPosted by LuckyLibra7Posted by EyerollPosted by LuckyLibra7Posted by Eyeroll
The more I read the worse it gets lol. She gave you so many openings to engage and see if you were compatible and you just ignored everything she said lol.
Is your aunt a role model for you? Is financial security really important for you? What does your ideal relationship look like? Do you want to be a SAHW and your husband be the breadwinner or do you want to work and share responsibilities?
What traits of yours do you think your friends try to emulate the most?
What are your reasons for choosing to abstain from sex? Religion? Do you want to wait until marriage or just haven’t met the right person?
You think the bartenders like me? I just try to be a kind person to everyone but trust is important to me in a relationship. Has anyone broken your trust in the past? Would you say you’re possessive over your man?
This sounds like an interview. It’s not a natural flow to a conversation in getting to know someone but rather are you meeting my checklist vibes.
I didn’t ignore necessarily, but it’s way to soon to dive into sensitive topics and I haven’t even determined if I like you yet. It’s one date and you’re going over an ideal marriage and who the breadwinner should be?
Uh, quite a few things need to happen in between that.
She never said she was abstaining from sex. It was just a ploy to suggest she’s not sleeping with a lot of men or actively dating. Which may or may not be true.
She clearly is not a fan of her aunt and resents her masculine behavior. Hence her harping on how she doesn’t have a man. But neither does the Leo which threw me for a loop.
I gained insight based on details she shared about her previous relationships. One of her exes, they lived together and participated in every activity or event together. Her logic for why it didn’t work out was that they probably just got too familiar.
So this means she enjoys connecting and sharing passions or hobbies.
And how do you determine if you like someone if not by asking them questions and getting to know them? Because your tactic of dodging every topic she brought up and playing it cool doesn’t seem to have panned out well for you.
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Questions are fine. But the whole ask a question-answer-question… is not the correct approach. You want to tread lightly as you you’re not there to lay out guidelines, but to see how they are and interact. How are things flowing.. is the person upset because you don’t want to do karaoke? Things like that.
Marriage and all that other stuff is after you’ve built some rapport and both people like each other. Then you discuss the direction it should go in. If both don’t agree, you split.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. We have a date tomorrow at 4 and I spoke to her this morning.
The point of this post is that she came on hot, over shared, then took a step back. I told her let’s move slow after a few days and she came back, but has calmed down a bit.
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Okay. How do you plan to turn it up for the next date?
That’s what I’m here to gain insight on. I’ve been attracting a lot of Leo women lately and I don’t know how they operate.
I can match the energy she had on the first date. But I don’t know her angle yet. She didn’t answer my initial request to go out.. we had another convo a couple days later and I brought it up again to which she agreed. Sent her the time to be there an hour later as I was at work and she didn’t reply. I did get green text bubbles though.
I get a text yesterday saying “hey are we still meeting Saturday?” She claims she got a new phone.
Cool.. but why wait 2 days to ask if we’re going out?
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I did some homework.
She is either Mercury in Leo or Virgo
Venus in Cancer or Leo
Mars in Taurus
Jupiter in Cancer or Leo
Saturn Capricorn
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
A Leo with Leo, Cancer and Taurus placements. Based on these I think you can safely be more demonstrative, as much as you’re comfortable with. She has no air at all. She either has a lot of fire (action) or fire and water (wants to connect). You saying she backed off makes me think there is probably Cancer somewhere.
Editing to add I guess she might have an air moon. to expand
Posted by Saturn_ReturnsI have an idea, but I wanted her to communicate it. Given her thoughts on Kevin Samuels and other red-pill content.
^ Setting aside subjective red flags, it's still too early to tell. At this point, you can only go with your gut.Posted by LuckyLibra7
I did ask her what her ideal relationship dynamic is like (she was discussing masculine women) I found it interesting she couldn't really explain what that was. So I just changed the subject.
Major red flag! She has no idea how she wants an ideal committed relationship to be?!click to expand
Posted by Saturn_ReturnsThat's what's odd. She finds a way to loop modern dating issues or ideas into the conversation. Then does not expand on her ideal world.Posted by LuckyLibra7Posted by Saturn_Returns
^ Setting aside subjective red flags, it's still too early to tell. At this point, you can only go with your gut.Posted by LuckyLibra7
I did ask her what her ideal relationship dynamic is like (she was discussing masculine women) I found it interesting she couldn't really explain what that was. So I just changed the subject.
Major red flag! She has no idea how she wants an ideal committed relationship to be?!
I have an idea, but I wanted her to communicate it. Given her thoughts on Kevin Samuels and other red-pill content.
But anyway, she said it was too general of a question. I was like.. I’m asking what the dynamics look like for you? I don’t get how that’s general.
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Sounds like she's being evasive. Why I have no idea but, in your situation, I would be to expand
Posted by MonaLisa26What's wrong with him? Please do share.😂Posted by StubbornSagittarius
Oh btw this the time of your Saturn's return and it makes perfect sense that she decided to end her relationship now! Saturn return means drastic life changes and difficult times in life. By difficult I mean struggles to make something better, Saturn puts you through tests in order to make you stronger and better. It doesn't mean it has to be bad things happening now, it simply means what is wrong for you needs to go now in order to make room for something better.
She was always very susceptible to the stars.
Every time she says Mom! What’s in my birth chart…I ran it and it said - job sucks quit - next day she quit her job for which she was 5 years in college! And never been happier until now. It’s like she is feeling it in her guts and goes with it.
Is this affecting everybody or just some people?
Because it’s nuts that you just said her breakup was written in her stars! And I kind of knew it. Her breakup was not surprise for me.
Her new flame was…is…brrrr
I want him gone from her life! 🤔click to expand
Posted by DMVThe homes are less happy though and children are pretty much raised in daycare, if not by another relative. This doesn't mean women need to stay at home, but it means two parents having "careers" puts stress on the family. Even if children aren't involved, there are household duties and things get complicated when deciding who should split or assist with what ever. Both people are exhausted from working 50+ hours a week.Posted by LuckyLibra7
It depends on what a woman believes is valuable to her.
If you're talking about forging careers and goals, then it's a win. Tons of women are running businesses.
If we're discussing families and the impact it has on children then it's a loss. Not to mention the on-going issues with abortion.
What we do know is that statistically speaking, women are unhappier than they were 60 years ago. The reason for this eludes even the people who conducted the studies.
If I can suggest my opinion, I think social media influence and the money-driven market of dating has disappointed and confused tons of women. Men too..
Love has replaced sex with selling!
I disagree with the “families” part.
Women are still doing both career and home.
However, men are still in upper management and y’all keep voting them in office. These men don’t prioritize families because they can’t make babies. If men could give birth, look out. Pregnancy would be a vacation and after birth would be stellar. Childcare would be free. Shit, it would be free to give birth. Maternal leave would be enviable.
Men haven’t nearly evolved as women have. No offense, but your role models are not that great.
As women become more enlightened, we’re not going to accept getting pregnant with no safety net. Why have a family with a jerk who doesn’t appreciate you? Women don’t have to stick around for mediocrity.
Instead of getting rid of abortion make it attractive to get pregnant.
I feel like men are digging in their heels and resisting their own evolution, committing crimes, dropping out the workforceclick to expand
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