fading out without ghosting (getting someone to lose interest in you)

Posted by StubbornSag
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by GC69_
Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.
I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤

The amount of men who wait to get married and have kids and then cheat is ridiculous 🥴
Idiots …

Some women are idiots too. They know they cheat and they stay with them anyway. Long ago there was this incredibly inappropriate Aqua guy that I went out for a coffee once. I said I want nothing to do with him and his wife blew up my phone with calls next day cause she found a number and kept calling until I answered. And she says "he does this all the time and pretends it's someone's else number"🙄 well why are you with him at all then if he does it all the time and if it bothers you that he does 🙄🤔 I just said "I told him to stop calling me and I'm telling you the same, solve your issues together, I've got nothing to do with him". Needless to say they're still married lol
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Yes indeed

She sounds like one of those women who will be with a man at any price …. Prize idiot.

I think a lot of people are scared to stand on their own two feet and will tolerate anything to be in a relationship 🥴😬

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