Posted by BreezeWow! You guys have a lot of great aspects going on!Posted by saggurl88
What are both of your Mars? Just curious 🧐
Mine is Aries hers is Libraclick to expand
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Posted by BumboklaatI did that and it worked!
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Posted by MysteriousHeartI had a friend that was like that. She got depressed during summer because she felt there was so much pressure to do things when she was on vacation during summer whereas autumn was more accepting to stay home chilling.
It’s weird for me. Normally the winter months make people more depressed, but for me it’s the Spring and Summer months. I just tend to get more depressed then. It’s not that I don’t like sunny, warm weather. Idk….can’t really describe it. I just thrive more during the Fall and Winter and dark, gloomy days. So since it’s Spring time here now I have definitely felt the shift. I’m just feeling blah and honestly don’t know why. 😔
Posted by GeminiJimMaybe with a good psychotherapist.Posted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Do u think its likely to happen?click to expand
Posted by GeminiJimHahahha you know me too well!! 😅Posted by borednbeautifulPosted by GeminiJimPosted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Do u think its likely to happen?
click to expand
Maybe with a good psychotherapist.
I thought everyone was struggling. Maybe not.
If you had a psychotherapist you would start posting about how there is sexual tension and maybe you shouldnt go to therapy anymore 🤣click to expand
Posted by GeminiJimIf there is a strong enough trigger. Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom.Posted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Do u think its likely to happen?click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineI think that is familiar territory to Scorpio energy. I saw how my mother (Gemini) and father (Aries) never really stopped to analyze, they were always looking for the next thing and favored momentum.Posted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
I did that and it worked!click to expand
Posted by LaGenereuzYeah that's why I showed you that link, you can watch the birth rate in every country and get an idea of how fast people are getting born world wide. The birth rate dropping doesn't mean the populations are shrinking in those country's either, though eventually it could. It just mean's they aren't growing as fast, which doesn't sustain economy's the same so the news like to call it a problem when it really isn't, we got robots now anyway. Twice as many people have been born so far this year as have died.Posted by Walk_on_byPosted by LaGenereuzPosted by Walk_on_byPosted by LaGenereuzPosted by FindingbalancePosted by LaGenereuz
Does AI feel?
I think the root of all human corruption is negative emotions, so unless AI starts feeling I think we're good.
Unless people program it to destroy.
It might at some point, in a technological way.
The problem is, what stops it from using "logic" to assess threats and remove them? Rampant human procreation has over populated the planet and is effecting the eco system. So, what's the logical solution?
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I really don't think humans can create robots that can feel but I would love to live long enough and witness that but not to witness AI destroying people 😭
PS: I don't buy into that the earth is overpopulated thing, I read actually some articles that said the world population is declining and yesterday watched a video of school in Japan closing because there are no kids anymore to teach my mind was blown
It's not a holiday home at the beach that you "buy into" with your family or friends dude.
I thought buy into is an expression for believe in but NVM English is not my first language anyways
I wish I had a holiday home 😫
Yeah but what give's you any reason to not believe it. You can look at population by country's there, it shows Japan stalled.
I also want a holiday home Id live there full time...
Because the birth rates have dropped tremendously in many countries especially the west, you can Google it.
Women now are having less children than to expand
Posted by faileddI'm not sure what you disagreeing on but I sincerely suggest you read up on things. There's lots of YouTube videos on the subject. I may not be proud to be a Gemini because honestly I would start over from the beginning and be born into another sign if I could do that. But Gemini does has it's good traits that I can gladly say I'm happy about. Loners in true fashion really doesn't give a shit about what sign they are. They see zodiac signs as just that. A zodiac sign. We loners refer ourselves as a loner and we own being just that. Not our sign. A leader can not lead a true loner. I for example is a leader of myself. I don't work for nobody but for myself. I don't have nobody telling me what to do. I do what I want and when I want. There's plenty of followers right here on this site. No need to look far. And for that very same reason some Geminis make me feel bad being a Gemini. Simply because most of them are followers that like to follow up with the masses.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by failedd
Wait so let me see:
- two faced
-evil twin
- short attention span
- men and women are wh0res
- mommy issues
-peter pan syndrome (Geminis can't grow up)
- liars
- opportunists
- like libras, Geminis are extremely fake. ( Fake flakes!! )
- talk too much ( can't and won't shut up!)
- mentally unstable sign (duality problems)
- weak on multiple aspects (mutable signs are weak)
- not strong and a leader like cardinal signs
- followers not alpha cardinal leaders
famous Geminis:
Gemitati also. 🤣🤣🤣
You forgot these Jimbo:
This is one Gemini that is not a follower. Loners can't be followers. We loners don't like being told what to do, unlike followers that will jump when told to but not before asking how high.
No. Naww. Nopity. to expand
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