How am in doing with this sag woman

Posted by Breeze
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by Breeze
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Her initiating is good, however just make sure you're prepared for the pullback. Women will inevitably pullback and then men get confused. Don't freakout if she skips a morning or two.
Don't ask for a kiss. You'll talk yourself out of the booty here. If you're 7 dates in, you should be sleeping with her by this point. evaluate the logistics for sex and set the mood. Invite her over to make dinner and read her body language.
You're dating, but not exclusive. She'll let you know when she wants things to progress. Let her worry about the title and where things are going.

We’ve talked about this and me giving her a massage and suck her toes lol . Her reply was at a later date.

Why not ask for a kiss or should I just go for a kiss is what you’re saying?

You shouldn't ask for a kiss at all, but just behave more cautiously when first meeting. You're 7 dates in, there should be an automatic kiss upon when one of you leaves and goes home.

Make a move and treat all women the same. If she tells you to back off, back off and attempt to seduce her later on. Sometimes she just needs to wallow and see what your reaction is.

Had a Gem Sun Gem Venus before who put up a wall and wanted to cuddle without sex. I let her be and didn't question it. She went home that morning and thought about it. Asked to come over later that night and she didn't hesitate to take off her clothes.

Doesn't matter if she's a 10 or a 6. Have fun with her and make moves.
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Yea the thing is when I like someone I act differently when I don’t. I’ll more of the go with the flow take it easy vs aggressive “toxic” lol
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That's pretty normal when a guy finds a woman extremely attractive.

7 Dates in 1 month is a lot. Space it out a bit. Invite her over and offer dinner, board games etc. You need an activity so she doesn't feel like it's centered on sex.

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