Posted by alexscariesYeap, this! It's hard to be friends with someone if you know they have feelings for you that aren't felt in return. I'm Scorp Moon, Rising & 8th House Sun, Sorp dominant.. I couldn't stay friends with someone that I knew had feelings for me if I didn't have any in return. I'd feel like I was misleading them or that they were always going to hold on to some hope that the feelings would be requited.
Not a question of loyalty. The dynamic has changed.
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Posted by Enfant-Terrible-IIWow!Posted by xxAjuxxPosted by Enfant-Terrible-IIPosted by xxAjuxx
In my experience it depends.
For me I've gotten the reason is because
they are aware of the "plan" or "lesson" I'm
currently in or am learning and they don't want to
rob me or us from that experience
so information is purposely withheld.
Like, they are aware they could keep you
From the gift of your own experience
here. But these are spirits I'm familiar with.
They are in the light*.
They are connected to the all
and so they are aware of more things.
More information.
I've also gotten an answer that I'm not in
the correct "vibration" to see certain information.
They've said that I'm always shifting* and so
it's a matter of where I am consciously wise
that will dictate what information I align with.
-what information I ((alllow)) myself to know
depending on where I am.
So until then they stay "current" and won't
go too far ahead of where you and I are
to also not spoil*
Makes sense, thanks for elaborating. Fits perfectly in with a lot of the things I learned and experienced on the topic (not psychic myself though)
But ok, personal lessons is one thing. But what if the spirit whose death was ruled accident, says she's actually been murdered... and when asked by whom or under what circumstances, the spirit clearly says "It's for you(people) to figure out".
Why say one thing that nobody can prove anyway at this point, but withold the only information that could possibly lead somewhere?
But yeah I know the spirit world can be coy af.
Reminds me of that "Twin Peaks" episode when the giant dude from the other realm helps the detective's murder investigation but provides only vague clues, saying "That's all we're allowed to say".
click to expand
You are very welcome 😊
That's exactly what I have experienced!
And that sounds as though this spirit
knows the importance or significance
of their transition and us not knowing
specific details actually is beneficial at
the current time. If you know* then you
close off certain events and lessons
that your soul intended to go through
for growth by not* knowing.
It doesn't mean this information will
Forever be "locked" or "hidden" but
if it serves you from their perspective
to not know (yet) then that is how it will be.
(This is only from my own understanding
and experience though)
Was this spirit close
to you? I hope I am not rude in any way.
Yeah that was my 2nd train- of-thought too,
(about the spirit not disclosing specific information bc altough it seems related to her, the significance really lies in where the journey takes us following what she HAS disclosed)
...but I actually wanted to hear you say it and not speculate too much myself.
No you're not rude. Yes she was very close to me and I just received this information from a mutual colleague of ours that I haven't seen in a long time. From what I heard, she actually sees physical manifestations of ppl who've passed, which I assume is extremely rare among 'psychics'.
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Posted by hydorahI know! I hate that.
why tf is DXP adding empty lines every time you want to do a new line
Posted by Enfant-Terrible-IIDestiny. Part of it is your journey. You can't expect others to give everything to you all packed up and ready.
intentionally withold information about something they obviousely want or need to get across, while they are otherwise speaking as clearly as someone sitting across from you at the table?
What's the deal? Like what are the conditions?
Posted by Enfant-Terrible-II2. To not screw with free will.
intentionally withold information about something they obviousely want or need to get across, while they are otherwise speaking as clearly as someone sitting across from you at the table?
What's the deal? Like what are the conditions?
Posted by GenericUsernamePosted by Reincarnation5
I like Caps in general.
Not the Cap Moon though.
A lot of people here dislike that aspect. I am a Capricorn Moon and honestly I really love itclick to expand
Posted by SoulAh, not a moment too late. A cool mopey guy who's gonna come in here and tell me what MY experience has been.
Because spirits don't physically exist. It's all just ideas in your head. I'm not saying that when a human dies, they don't potentially meet up with other spirits. In the living world however they don't exist here anymore. It's all just you trying to make something exist that doesn't anymore. You are taking spirits memory or essence and mentally making up ideas through your own mind that aren't actually there.
That's just the way it is. Spirits and ghosts can't live in our world anymore. It's just you and your thoughts making stuff up to either fill a void in your personal life, or the void someone who died left in your life.
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