Posted by TruemaraI’m still waiting for him to move here, but I’m starting to run out of patience. we’ve had multiple discussions about this, he told me he’s only moving once he transfers to a different department at his job, which may take another year or even two. and this whole waiting is making me depressed not gonna lie, the resentment has been building up for a while, but I’m still trying to manage. I care about him, I feel like I can’t just leave him out of the blue, because I have feelingsPosted by alphabetmafia
so I fell for my coworker while being in a relationship
I didn’t physically cheat on my bf, but emotionally this whole situation is really intense and I feel terrible about all this, so yes, I am aware I’m an asshole
so I ended up stringing this guy (Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Venus) along for like 3 months while trying to decide if I’m capable of actually leaving my current relationship (it’s long distance, 2 years) and I kinda decided to stay. the main reason why I’m sitting on the fence is I’m just terrified of making the wrong decision. and I am still unsure what to do, but now I’m afraid I have lost my chance with him completely...
a few days ago he gave me a weird ultimatum to stay over at his place or he’s never going to speak to me again, I refused and he blocked me literally everywhere. and this shit hurts like a mf.
he also told me he’s leaving in September and moving back to his hometown and parents, it’s a tiny town in the middle of a forest, because he doesn’t see a reason to stay. considering he has lived in the capital for more than 10 years and has a decent income, this seems very dramatic. I didn’t have the guts to ask if he’s doing this because of me, but I have a feeling it’s my fault. he also told me he wanted to start a family when I asked about his intentions and at first I didn’t believe him but now I think he really meant it
so I guess he’s doing all this to move on and he used this random ultimatum as a reason to cut me out completely. now he’s avoiding me and walking past me at work like if we were strangers. I’m fkn broken, but I can’t blame him, I knew what I was getting into, I broke his heart and he’s doing what I would do in his situation
is there a chance he’s going to talk to me again at some point?
or am I forever blocked?
I left him a letter saying I’ll just leave him alone for now and hopefully we’re going to speak again someday
sorry if this sounds cringe and desperate because I truly am
we’re both 28yo
I’m a Cancer Sun and Venus, Cap Moon, Libra asc btw
Why are you with your boyfriend
I bet it’s safe for you because he is long distanceclick to expand