The Older I get, The More I Realize Ugliness is Truly God's Punishment

Posted by HeyDonJohnson
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by HeyDonJohnson
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by HeyDonJohnson
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by HeyDonJohnson
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
We all gonna get ugly someday. Some quicker than others. Some slower than others. The only thing you can do to prevent that or slow it down is take care of yourself. Exercise, eat right, stay out of the sun etc, etc, etc
And Donald Trump is a wannabe leader that's heading for jail. Do you really think in your pebble sized brain a true leader should be like that? A lawbreaker?

Was America better under Trump or is it better now?

answer the question
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Dude American was fucked the minute today's youth in today's society entered the world. What make you think presidents can change that or make America great again? The answer to your question is no its not better now and especially definitely not Trump.
Going off the grid here. If you think for one minute Trump is attractive (before and now) its you and not me that need to get eye surgery.

Was America better under Trump or is it better now?
answer the question

No it wasn't better under Trump and it isn't better now.

imagine being this low IQ

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You know, if you really want my true opinion I say the last time that I can remember America was actually better was when it was under Reagan. You probably wasn't born yet under his presidency. All the other presidents proceeding Reagan are goofs I wanna think American pulled off the streets. They got no knowledge in politics especially Donald Trump.

and this is what Reagan looked like style s/sa_staff_desktop_2x/public/staff_images/Ronald_Reagan.jpg?itok=4iUuZZLq&timestamp=1523989259
click to expand
But beauty doesn't account for politicking. I tend to notice physically attractive people don't belong in the politics industry. Leave that for the unattractive outgoing ones. They are more professionally skilled at politics. There's certain careers for both attractive and unattractive people.