Posted by Saturn_Returns😢😂You sound like you’re in the wrong thread. The responses are great and exactly what I asked for. The only responses that are off topic and boring are yours lol.Posted by AymillionPosted by Saturn_ReturnsPosted by AymillionPosted by Saturn_Returns
Another astro-related thread, which ignores the crucial fact that any opinion depends on the native's natal chart.
If you're looking for a definitive answer or conclusion, you're not going to find it here or anywhere else.
This is just about past experiences and for fun 😩 it’s not that serious
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I've heard this excuse so many times when the OP is called out...
Whether or not it's for fun, asking for posters' natal details would have been far more productive and insightful.
Just going by the phrasing of the thread title and OP, you were clearly looking for a definitive pattern, which is ridiculous because everyone's experience will be vastly different.
Lemme guess you’re either an earth or water sign 😩 😭those are usually the ones who take stuff too serious.. and are too serious over nothing. We know it’s probably hard for u but just have fun with it
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The point I’m trying to make is start whatever thread you want. If you want to have fun, fine. But be more careful with your use of the English language, if you desire a specific type of response.
That's clear communication and has nothing to do with astrology per se.
But you carry on being childish and evading any to expand
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