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Posted by ParkourlerFunny enough my best friend is a Libra sun Cancer Moon which is the same as Neil. I have Leo sun Scorpio moon the same as Joe. Conversations are pretty much like that. He will rant for literally hours, making it almost impossible to add anything to the conversation. Then once I have a chance to finally speak, the mother fucker has literally passed out and is napping.Posted by Soul
The fact most people never really stop to think what the other person is thinking. Like the type of person who is so stuck in their own mind they can't event respect the fact they are in public or around other people. They type of people who are dicks in public or on the road, and give no fucks about other people.
Tbh I wish every person like that would get strapped to a chair, and I developed super powers to teleport to each and every one, then violently beat them within an inch of their lives. Which is exactly why I don't carry a gun on me in public.
Oh tell me about it, you are in a conversation and you can tell they are just waiting to jump in and have their
say rather than give your opinion ANY THOUGHT WHATSOEVER!.
I dislike interrupting, even though I do it. My parents are academics i hate academics who think they can
interrupt and lecture in a conversation because they are more knowledgeable. Like this fucking guy:
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Posted by KmilibraRelax my last comment didn't show up on screen so I had to write it again. I see now it was already posted.Posted by KmilibraPosted by DoublesTrips
He got pissed that you didn't give him a b lowjob on the second date and afterwards u were worried about his feelings and still wanted to see him 😭. What kinda Libra are you. If you are actually a libra you must either be a September one or certain ones who I wont say so this won't get deleted who aren't the usuals. Libra women have tons of self respect so I'm thinking this is probably fake
No need to question what brings you here 🤣
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I didn’t realize you were the same person 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but for real leave me alone. Don’t be rude. I was 7 months sober at the time, I’m learning the whole self respect thing and I def wouldn’t have seen him againclick to expand
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