how does scorpio man emotionally cheat?

Posted by Undine
You have at least three options.
1) Contact her with some proof. Tell her that your husband is spending the days stalking her instead of connecting with his child. Ask her to block him on every social media, without confronting him. If she agrees, it may solve the problem...out of sight, out of mind. Like any addict, he will go through an withdrawal phase, so prepare for his antics during that time. If she doesn't agree, she's a accomplice, playing a dangerous game. Get someone else to talk to her directly.
2) Alternatively, keep vigil and tolerate it, hoping that it stays harmless and that she will eventually be posting her husband's and baby photos.
3) Talk to him. You know him better than us, so I won't advice you how to do it. I have doubts it will work. Father dumped his side piece and promised to be faithful. The history kept repeating many times with other women. He was quite bad at covering his tracks, or my mother was too good at uncovering them. She was on high alert the whole time.

He have so many women in his life, friends and colleagues, but he doesn't flirt with them or stalk them. He doesn’t care about them. I have watched him and been on alert to see if he have a habit of cheating but it’s just her. It’s been her for years. I heard scorpio men move on if the woman doesn't show interest. I want him to move on. Why is he not moving on?

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