Question for Scorpios….

Posted by HistoryDelusional
Posted by xyzabc
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by xyzabc
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by xyzabc
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by xyzabc
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by xyzabc
Gemini men? No
Gemini women? Yes
Aqua men? Yes
Aqua women? Yes
Libra men? No
Libra women? No
This has just been my experience….I feel like when it comes down to it I could get along with anyone of any sign except when it comes to Libra….especially Libra women. They remind me too much of my Libra mother who was very mentally, verbally and physically abusive. My Libra grandmother was the same way. She would make remarks to me that would cut deep. Then there was my Libra cousin who said things that rubbed me the wrong way. Like I’ll never forget we were clothes shopping one day and she was looking through some pants to find her size and she took one pair off the wrack and said “omg if I was this size I would kill myself!” Knowing good and well that was my size. So I guess she thought I should off myself. 🤦‍♀️

All of these Libras sound downright mean spirited, which they aren’t unless they have Virgo placements. Any Virgo in said Libras charts?

Only one that has Virgo in her chart was my grandmother. She has Venus, Mars and Saturn in Virgo.

Those Libras with Venus and mars in Virgo are something else. I’ve seen Leos and Libras with Venus or mars or both in them to have a mean streak. My ex Libra had Venus and mars in Virgo. I used to routinely dump him for some mean shit he would say/do to others. I guess it terrified me to see how mean he could be with others so I was wondering when he would do that to me. He did attempt couple times and I would put him in his place but I got tired of it. Now he’s just mean to his wife. Maybe your mom became abusive because your grandma did a number on her.

Oh my Libra ex has a Virgo Mercury, Venus and Mars and he definitely has a mean streak. He’d say the most hurtful things to me and also get into these rages where he would start throwing and breaking things, punching things. At one point I was afraid for my life and knew I had to get out. Well my Libra grandmother was my dad’s mom and her and my mom butted heads frequently. My mom’s mom was a Sag and the sweetest and best grandmother ever. I stayed with her a lot when I was little. Even stayed with her for awhile as a baby when my mom got so frustrated with me and shook me because I wouldn’t stop crying. So my grandmother took me to stay with her. Sadly she passed when I was 5 so I don’t have very many memories of her.

Yikes @ your Libra ex that’s triple Virgo. That just re-affirms what I already know about these placements. What’s your mom’s chart? Libras and Leos are mean by nature. They’re sneaky but not mean or ill-intentioned like Virgo placements.

Moms chart

Sun Libra 8°27'

Moon Pisces 13°37'

Mercury Libra 13°57'

Venus Scorpio 4°53'

Mars Sagittarius 22°39'

Jupiter Taurus 20°11'

Saturn Libra 16°47'

Uranus Cancer 18°18'

Neptune Libra 20°58'

Pluto Leo 22°35'

Lilith Leo 20°46'

N Node Aquarius 20°23'

I’m speechless at what you’re saying about this chart going berserk. Maybe your mom has mental issues? Was she ever diagnosed? There’s something amiss .
click to expand

Oh she definitely has mental issues….never been diagnosed by a professional though. She would never go and see anyone despite my father telling her she needed to see a psychiatrist all the time. She is the main reason I decided to major in psychology in school. I wanted to figure out the reason why she acted the way she did. Oh and speaking of Virgo placements my uncle is a Virgo (not sure of his other placements) and I honestly can’t stand to be around him. He is very critical. Oh and his temper is bad. 😬. I’m so glad I don’t have any Virgo whatsoever in my chart.

Don’t know if you heard of cusps but I’m assuming that includes not being fond of Virgo-Libra cusp
click to expand
I don’t think I know of any Virgo/Libra cuspers. I honestly don’t know of many Virgos either. The only Virgo in my family is my uncle. Oh and my cousins wife and while she can be bit of a know it all, I have no beef with her. My sister in law is also a Libra and she’s the only Libra female I my family that I like and actually get along with.

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