May be furryleo has a point.. I allowed him to USE me. that is what i feel at the moment. But I do not think he faked it all for 3 yrs. I felt he was emotionally involved too. If you know what telepathy means, that is what we had. At times I got up at midnights and he had called within 5 minutes - like a perfect synchronization of minds!
I do not think he faked all of it...I am not that stupid. If he faked some of it, my question is why did he lead me ON? He worked hard to impress me and get my attention using his charm and flirt to the point he copied my ways of doing things which I felt very special and unique.Was he all flirt without emotions? Still trying to cover up he did nothing or is doing nothing!
I am a very giving and dedicated person and do get attached to a person after a while and it takes longer for dettaching myself from someone.
Someone said, "until they get someone better"? What is a definition for it? Some one with more status or money? What about qualities? And what about emotions? What if a third person , yet better than his current object of affection comes in his life? What is a third person enters the life after they two are married? Would he replace the second person too? I mean, I believe only if you FEEL for someone and have emotions as a part of package, you won't look for "someone better".
I do not think, I will have the talk with him. I can not allow second chance in these matters for the above questions I am asking to myself, no matter how hard it will be on me. How can I trust some one who MAY always keep looking for "something yet better"? In my mind, they are just opportunists, not worth any thing.
Bastard word does not fit my heart, for once I have loved him more than me, I have just lost RESPECT for him, to me, respect comes before love.
I am angry on myself, may be on my stupidity for any thing if I have missed to notice in him, for my weakness of being extremely loyal which I thought was his priority too for life, for passing through all his tests and for him making me fail for believing in him and in us, for being able to interpret his subtle ways of doing things and responding to him which I thought was something that existed between the two of us only!!!
Still can't believe this is happening between us.
Signed Up:
Aug 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 20
How do i find my chinese ascendant?
11:01(pm) through 01:00(am) = hour of the Rat
01:01(am) through 03:00(am) = hour of the Ox
03:01(am) through 05:00(am) = hour of the Tiger
05:01(am) through 07:00(am) = hour of the Rabbit
07:01(am) through 09:00(am) = hour of the Dragon
09:01(am) through 11:00(am) = hour of the Snake
11:01(am) through 1:00(pm) = hour of the Horse
1:01(pm) through 3:00(pm) = hour of the Goat
3:01(pm) through 5:00(pm) = hour of the Monkey
5:01(pm) through 7:00(pm) = hour of the Rooster
7:01(pm) through 9:00(pm) = hour of the Dog
9:01(pm) through 11:00(pm) = hour of the Pig
Find the hour that you were born and look at the above chart to find your Chinese Ascendant.
For instance, I was born at 8:53(am), so my Chinese Ascendant is Dragon.
So my Chinese Sun Sign is Tiger and my Chinese Ascendant is Dragon, and the Western Zodiac equivalent for Tiger is Aquarius and for Dragon is Aries, so in Chinese i'm an Aquarius/Aries combination.
listen to what he has to say, even if it kills you... listen to all of it.. one day, you'l b happy that you bothered to find it out and from HIMSELF, not second sources.
Even if I will try to talk it out, I won't be able to look into his eyes, for I have no respect for him.
I am going to keep quite.
Archer- yr first post made me almost cry for I have never felt this weak in my life....
what if he gets replaceD by someone someday exactly for the same reasons??
So is sex in the mind or a bodily function?
I say you need the sense of touch... of the flesh.
Then the male or female likes start contributing to the mental aspect.
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
They are good friends, but I hate to be on their bad side...they are truly "bulls".
Signed Up:
Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
In 1843, a Parisian street mime got stuck in his imaginary box and consequently died of starvation.