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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
so where was I?
ahh, yes, the aquarian need for independence as a contrived mechanism that is deliberately implemented in their lives in order to spare themselves from rejection/failure...
every aqaurius i know admittedly or not has a very strong fear of rejection or failure or both...
who doesn't right?
but as its obvious, aquarius takes this to the extreme to the point of neurosis....
sure, generally speaking, water signs are emotional basket-cases, but AIR signs...air signs are definitely prone to neuroses...
and aquas, they take mental neuroses to a whole new level in the form of SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECIES on their part...
and the re-curring self-fulfilling prophecies among aquas are quite similar and a common thread runs through all of my experiences with them...
the most common aqaurius self-fulfilling prophecy manifests itself as DISTANCE...
in the long and short of it, distance is merely a defense mechanism on their part to spare themselves from rejection in the long run...
after all, it IS better to be the dumper than the dumpee...
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ ms. pisces:
the point that you bring up is valid...
i would just say that in my experience, aquas like to play games, but they DON'T like being played...
you may be able to finesse them for a time, but when they realize that you have been manipulating them, i can guarantee you they will put the brakes on that immediately...
and those brakes will be ABS brakes...
not anti-lock braking system, "Aquarian Braking System"...
and the latter is much more high tech and efficient than that dumb abs bs..
realizing that you have been finessing/playing/manipulating them will signify to them that they ARE NOT the ones in control, and if an aqua doesn't have full control, that means they don't have their full freedom, so bye, bye birdie...
in all honesty, in order to get an aquarius to do something you want them to do, tell them to do the OPPOSITE or something to the effect depending on the person you are dealing with...
it is truly possible to manipulate an aquarius and doing so can be formulaic at the very least...
not to say that aquas are predictable, but they kind of are when you finally have acquired the key to their personality...(when you do acquire the key IF you ever do, DO NOT LET THEM KNOW, otherwise, they will change the locks and you will need a new may never get a new one either)
i tell the love of my life all the time, "i know how to make you do what i want" and she always smiles at me with curiosity and replies, "tell me how!"
and my answer is always this:
"if i tell you, then it won't be a secret!"
i am not sure she is so comfortable with that....
good for me:-)
but the point is, although i am aware of how to manipulate her, i won't do it...i love her too much and i don't have the heart to do that to her because i know how much she loves and needs her freedom- even if that freedom includes a life without me...
and plus, i want her coming to me on HER terms, not because i "finessed/manipulated" a favorable response out her....
i would do that with other chicks, but this one is different to me..
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
so i take it we are all in agreement that is it PISCES who has the edge...
scorpio is to led as pisces is to gold
pisces is to a flower as scorpio is to mold
i don't care about all the shit you have been sold
there is nothing better than a pisces to keep you warm when it's cold....
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
1. Look like an art model -
all the scorpio broads i know worship and tight, toned body...
of course, all girls love a nice, fit body, but a scorpio broad will fuck you just because you look like an art model with a tight-toned body...
a chick of another sign like an aqua for example, will act like she doesn't even care about you posing with your goods, while fantasizing in her spaced out head about your art modelness and your tight abs and muscular arms (all the aqua women i know love nice arms, but fuck that..this is about scorpio broads..i can feel them getting jealous already!) but getting in an aqua's pants just because you have a nice body is a TOTALLY different encyclopedia...
as i was saying, while a scorpio broad will fuck you just because you are physically hot, another sign will not...
2. Act like you are superior to her or better than her and BE THAT -
this requires walking a very fine line, and if you don't know what you are doing it will end in disater..."disaster" meaning that you will be out of some good ass sex, at least from that particular chica...
If you are not in tune with yourself and others on a vibrational wavelength, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
3. In anything you do, FOLLOW THROUGH!
if you are gonna walk the fuck out, then WALK THE FUCK OUT!
don't allow her pitiful pleas for you to stay to cause you to vacillate and stray from your course..
A scorpio broad wants to manipulate EVERY SITUATION!
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
case in point:
one night after getting some very good head for about 25 minutes, we were ready to do the deed and this broad kept sending me on stupid little errands!
telling me shit like, "go get another condom" or "i'm getting hot, go and get the portable fan" or some other stupid shit...
if its not one thing, its another stupid piece of shit thing she wants to make you do to pull your strings!
i could deal with all that as long as i knew sex was at the end of the obstacle course, but AFTER sex?
my god! these scorpio broads wanna talk a fucking HOLE in your ear!
i just wanna get some sleep or relax with some soft music and peace and quiet after i have some really good sex, not get assaulted on end with a barrage of words filled with random emotions!
so finally, after i had enough of all this bs, i tell her, "can you please be quiet?" (bad move)
she looks at me in amazement and says,
"are you telling me to shut up in my own house?"
of course, it all went downhill from there...
i said,
"look, you are making me work too hard and i am not sure i wanna do all of this work.."
she turns to me in the bed and says, "you can leave if you want to.."
before she had even finished her sentence, i was already getting up out of the bed and putting my clothes was music to my ears and i couldn't wait to get the hell out of there...
i guess she wasn't so comfortable with my hasty readiness and willingness to leave that place like a bat out of hell, so she started pleading with me in the most pitiful manner! i felt sorry for her and she was begging me to stay and i didn't want her to feel rejected...
i mean, she is 36, single, has a cat (who she adopted from a shelter for abused animals) and very lonely...i mean, career wise, she is set, she has a nice place and does very well for herself, but she is LONELY...
she really made me feel bad...
so i relented and took off my clothes again and laid back down in the bed, i was lying down for no more then five minutes in cold, dead silence between the two of us when she says to me,
"i think you should leave."
of course, i was gone for good at that point..she just HAD to have the last word about it...
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
4. NEVER Tell a Scorpio Broad to be Quiet In Her Own House -
(see #3)
5. If A Scorpio Invites You Into Her Bed, Tell Her You Don't Plan On Having Sex With Her, But Take Your Clothes Off Anyways and Tell Her You Sleep Naked As an Excuse -
(if you meet requirement #1, you will have succeeded in accomplishing the mission at that point..)
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
and i am posting on dxp...
i can already feel the strange effects of the sun entering aquarius adversely affecting my behavior.....
poor me...
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
I'm Libra and always find great friends with Taurus.... is that strange? I didnt think we were suppose to be compatible!
he owes you an explanation, thats the least he can do.
I meant whys in philosophical sense.
As for his 'explanation' , I am not curious to know the answer from him. Perhaps he was not as committed as I was and I somewhere along the course I could not notice his game playing. Lots of times accidently doing things of my liking and then disappearing and then reappearing and so many ways, sort of tricky to "trick' me in... When I was finally IN, he is out or en route to exit!
I will try not to beat myself up and will also try to accept something I can't control / I would not like to control. For my insticts, I think some day he will realize what he had, unfortunately it will be too late by then, in which both of us will suffer for whole life, before lack of real love. I see at this point he is after the "status" thing and more money. It's all deception of self, at both ends, seeing what they are doing to attract each other. Ours was slow , steady, pure, this is dramatic and going at high speed. Whatever, I do not need to analyze them, did not attend his call for this weekend plans..
One thing is sure, most virgos - not all- are very charming, dramatic, materialistic and shallow. They pretend they are good, in reality they are not, they do things to "look good" as opposed to actually being good. For their every move, they have multiple calculations and manipulations behind it, which is what I am realizing after a long time.
I also think, what comes around goes around, I bet some day life will present him the same situation he is putting me in today.