fantasy + reality (is it possible simultaneously?)

thx Starfish.. it feels good that u know what im talkin about smile
"And once the fantasy has been fulfilled it only gets better" well , thats good to know

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yea...she was sick...u could hear she was a little congested
I didnt think kissing her while she was sick was the best thing to do
& Zen I hope you were being sarcastic.
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I feel like this is a tough combo. I did it myself for 3 years. I am March 1st, he is March about stealing your birthday thunder! Amazing physical connections. The first time we smooched, I almost fell down........swoon! However, our similar style in the button pushing department ultimately led to a doosey of a break up. You just can't have two emotional know-it-alls in a relationship together. smile
I always view the world with both eyes open. I understand the frustration, but not all of us are in desperate need to depend on some one. I kind of think most people are not dependable in general and everything takes doing it myself to succeed. But maybe that is me. Im sorry you had so many bad experiences with fishes, but I really do appreciate you being open and honest about it. I never lived with too much of my own kind. So I dont really know too many like me besides on the pisces board.
Thank you Qbone.
Love this topic because as of this past summer I began dating someone 6 years my junior. I'm 29 and he's 23. It's not a huge difference by any stretch but when you are the older chick, it is a bit different. We make jokes all the time, but we are pretty much on the same level. However; I did cancel my tanning(I know, terrible anyway!) membership soon after. I can't look way older than him, right? smile
I give your comment to your newness here...
I've been warned myself at many occasions when I first joined here. I thought I could keep all in a civilized manner by being open and kind.
One thing I give P is that she is a good narrator. She has the ability to narrow down events and in coming up with some catchy phrases. However, her narrations are not aimed to your intentions OR your reality of what you are experiencing with this other person. All you came for was to discuss with someone of what YOU are going through and get some advice. Sometimes that advice is only to confirm what you ALREADY have in mind for yourself. All you want is to air out, understand better through other people's experiences, and hopefully to find a solution to your problem and try ways you have not considered before ? this all of course, without being bashed on your head and regret ever posting.
NOW?. Here is the twist, mister_eee:
She will work on convincing you and others of what is wrong with you and what the actual truth is, which is HER TRUTH, not yours. If you continue posting your grievances you are experiencing with this other person, she will come back and haunt you. Wait and see mister_eee. Continue talking about your pisces woman or anything that doesn't work well between you and her ? lol? you will get to see the real face of Pee. But you are male and you are virgo? so there might be some exceptions to her rules for you. Especially also for you are in love with a pisces woman ? there is another soft spot to be regarded to.
So here is an example from a past post of a woman who came to the boards to discuss her situation about a man and hear out others if they have the same experience with someone of the same religious believes. I'm only citing P's comment. And let me tell you, there are hundreds of others she refers to with the same kind of attitude:
From P's post
****this man is what he is ... if it's wrong for her .. then walk the treetrunk away and don't stoop to levels of coming in here and talking about his life choices as if they are bad ones ... because they aren't bad ones for him, they are his life to him.****
True! They are ?his life choices'? who can say no to that? The topic wasn't on his BAD choices, the woman posting was just mentioning of his religious believes and her interest in him by asking if anyone has the same type of experience. She knows he is not permanent for her.
All that person wanted was to talk about her situation on dxp. She doesn't need to be told that she needs to walk the ?fuck? away from him and not come here and talk about it.

Pee might be right about this other man, but she is telling her NOT TO POST! by also badmouthing her post of deserving to be bashed.
Why do you think so many people on here DO NOT appreciate her ways? They rather prefer (including me) she doesn't give her opinion. Her so called ?help' is better disregarded for some, then taken, Sir.