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Nov 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 68
My teacher was a Scorp and I didn't like her. She was full of contradictions and had mood swings, which she took out on us.
I befriended a Scorp male and I suffered from puppy love for a little while. The only one I've ever met.
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
It seems like libra's and cancer's don't flow well. I have never had a cancer man go hot and cold on me and I have been with a lot. Weird..
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Sep 07, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2655 · Topics: 81
"Throughout the movie it wasnt shown that he's mad about making money or about having power like his bro, only his survival skills. He was willing to go for her.... sort of a love story actually? but very much underplayed."
His whole plan was to be on TV so she'll know where to find him or whatever, wasn't it? Well, he already achieved that, and I just find it really odd that he would risk that amount of money to stay on the air for five more minutes.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You know that this exists within you, and from what I gather from what you've said ... when you do this, you then reprimand yourself, and beat yourself up over it .... because the awareness is present after-the-fact, that you did it again.
That's a start ... the awareness is present. However, to beat yourself up over it, isn't changing the program, it's only punishing yourself for it, which will lead to self-guilt-trips, which will enhance this negativity in you to do it again because now you feel even lower about yourself because you've allowed yourself to believe that you have no control over yourself. A vicious spiral downwards ...... and no progress in making this change.
So, instead of scolding yourself for it, or feeling remorse for it .... take what you did outside of your feelings to analyze. Put it on a shelf, outside of how you feel about it, so you can look at it.
So you can face it .... if you do this afterwards, everytime you do it again .. then you are programming your mind to acknowledge it bravely, rather than hiding from it because it scares you.
It may take a while, growth doesn't happen overnight .. but, ultimately, you will be re-programming your mind to deal with this objectively .... look what I did, how do I fix this ... rather than, omg what the fuck is the matter with me, I'm so weak.
Ok, I did this ... let's look at it dead on .. right now, I'm not afraid of this.
Eventually, once your mind is used to facing it, fearlessly ... you'll be able to do it as it happens. You'll open your mouth with a viscious retort in defense of yourself, and then your mind will go ... look at what I was about to say, I'm not afraid of this, and I also know what to do about this because I've trained my mind to recognize it ASAP ... eventually, you'll be able to close your mouth and put the feelings on that shelf in the moment.
Eventually, your mind will be re-programmed to recognize the seed that planted the very thought ... and then you can go to the roots, after time, and even stop the thought from germinating.
Good Luck trying my theory ... and let me know if it works because I have the same issue, stemmed from a different child-trama.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
too safe, too stiff in their ways. at least the ones I know, unwilling to try anything new, and well not very fun people.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
all my sag traits, i like my mercury in sag, makes me blunt and I wouldn't have it any other way. I also really like my mars in scorpio.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
i just do whatever i feel like, there is no set times
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
happy new years to you too xtina!
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I posted here a year ago when I was dating my partner for advice, and I got really strong feedback so I figured I'd try here again.
Situation is...
My girfriend and I have been together for 9 months. We've been serious and always talked about the future. We talked about travelling and everything we would do.
Around December, I went through a phase of trying to find out what I really want in life (it didn't rule her out the picture), and taking her for granted without realising it (it got to a point where I just wanted a little more space to myself for a little bit, and I'd be leaving her house earlier in the day than usual to do my own thing).
It got to a point over two weeks ago, where we had an argument about money and plans, and we didn't talk for a couple of days. I called her 2 days later and she said she didn't feel things were the way they used to be, and that whenever she told me this before (which she did), I would just say things are fine and she shouldn't worry.
She also said that she thinks we're going in different directions because I had mentioned to her that I couldn't see myself travelling - something she wants to do no matter what.
In the end she said she didn't love me as much as she used to, and figured she wanted to split.
This hit me like a truck and I realised I had been distancing myself away from her.
The following day, I sent her an email explaining that the reason she probably didn't love me as much is because I had taken her for granted, and that I genuinely do want to travel and do everything with her in life. I followed it up with a 3 page list of everything I wanted back (everything we had done together, or talked about doing).
She replied and said she does still love me, that she wont find anybody else who does things likes we do, and that we should start again but take things slowly. Go out occasionally over the next couple of weeks and build back what we had.
We went out twice last week, had really good times, kissed and when she got home last night, she sent me a text asking if we could get back together.
I asked her "are you happy though?"... she replied "if the last two times we've been out are anything to go by, then yes".
The problem is... I don't feel as much love as I used to from her, and I'm unsure if she'll ever get it back.
Obviously she has said what she wants, but I just wanted some further advice from Aquarian females.