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Posted by AstrobynAfter working with student's parents personally and in a professional manner, I regretfully disagree wholeheartedly. If you had things under control, metal detectors, cameras, and health care facilities inside of schools wouldn't be necessary.Posted by WarAngel79Posted by SoloPosted by AstrobynPosted by SoloPosted by Astrobyn
Ok so lets talk about policy, I live in California at least for the next 4 months.
Currently in public school, there are laws that prohibit educators from notifying parents if your kid changes their name or pronouns.
All of the High schools in the town that I live have a healthcare clinic inside of the high school, they sign all these kids up for Medical-Cal and now they have free healthcare down the hall from Algebra. and these kids can get any medical care without the knowledge or permission of their parents paid for by the state. Including Hormonal Birth Control, more awesome laws.
You see where this is going? I see where this had good intentions to solve problems, but you are creating more problems. And I just don't think that what the government should be for.
Currently in public school, there are laws that prohibit educators from notifying parents if your kid changes their name or pronouns. ----- yeah this is something that I'm unsure about. To "turn kids in" could hurt them if their parents are those kinds, but also maybe it could cause undue influence to "try it out" tho I'm not really sure, just a personal thought. Ultimately I think it's on the parents to be on top of their childs health though and should know about that kinda stuff going on before school would ever be aware.
All of the High schools in the town that I live have a healthcare clinic inside of the high school, they sign all these kids up for Medical-Cal and now they have free healthcare down the hall from Algebra. and these kids can get any medical care without the knowledge or permission of their parents paid for by the state. Including Hormonal Birth Control, more awesome laws. ----- idk about a school but this doesn't sound bad to me? What is any medical care, ANY ANY? I don't see contraceptives being provided to a teenager that wants them as a bad thing. And kids are a wide range and we know how much they differ year to year.
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If the government gives my kid prescription drugs without my knowledge or approval, I'll be the first one to support the civil war.
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Can you cite me this? The only thing that I've found is on College Campuses.
But also, I'll just add in that if it was public schools, you say you'd start a civil war over that - lets keep it in the context of contraception since that's where it seems to be - So you'd rather your kid get pregnant or knock someone up? You can say "my kid won't do that" but we know kids are kids. You'd rather your kid have unsafe sex than safe? Kids have sex at school and shit, you're not gonna be around all the time.
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Well, with the prevalence of super resistant STDs floating around and some very interesting increases of HIV 1/2, the folks protesting having open access to clinics/resources (in schools or otherwise) are going to be very upset and SOL when their child's reproductive organs rot away.
As a former high school teacher - I saw and heard some very interesting things going on when the students didn't think I was paying attention. Kids are NOT angels anymore, and if you think yours are: you're in for a shock. There's a reason schools have metal detectors and video cameras EVERYWHERE except the restrooms - and even that could change soon, and probably should.
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This doesn't justify removing the parental rights.click to expand
Posted by 37OHSSVAnd men who have think It’s okay to use women’s bathrooms and changing rooms because they “identify” as a woman
I like the male criminals who are saying theyre women and then impregnating the women's prisons.. to me, that's the peak of quintessential gullibleness.
Posted by IReallyAteMyGrandmaInMonkeyTownYes, the Virgo has an Aqua moon and is very generous as was my Aqua sun ex.
My Gemini son is Aqua moon and it's hard to tell if he is caring. I think his warmer heart comes from the Gemini side, but it does come out. Total air head. Aqua moon is a lonely personality. Has friends, but not really. Needs friends but not really. Very difficult for them to live in the real world. Aquarius is not a humanitarian helpful sign, on the surface only maybe. Aqua Moon is fine, Aqua Sun no. You should know better than as, your ex husband had that placement.
"People say Aquarius energy is humanitarian-like but in reality they are self obsessed. Wannabe prophets that are only concerned about profits." - 100% correct, that's how I see my mom.
Posted by MyStarsShinehttps://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/#:~:text=OverviewPosted by 37OHSSV
I like the male criminals who are saying theyre women and then impregnating the women's prisons.. to me, that's the peak of quintessential gullibleness.
And men who have think It’s okay to use women’s bathrooms and changing rooms because they “identify” as a woman
The world has gone completely mad.
As for the way children are being brainwashed, that is totally outrageous and should be stopped. We all know children are susceptible and open to suggestions by adults …click to expand
Posted by slugThats actually what I pictured but no one has ever explained it to me so well. That's virgo energy 😂Posted by Bumboklaat
Hopefully you won't befriend anyone like that ever again.
We all go through shit, some of us learn, some don't. Take it as a hard lesson and look for better.
I do notice virgo energy (like yours) likes to sacrifice a lot, even when it's not needed. My girl has Virgo Venus and Pisces moon. She used to sacrifice for the shadiest people. It took me a couple of years of telling her it was wrong until she finally understood.
I even used to be like that to some extent. But now I just see things as a waste of time and cut them out right away.
For sure, I'm definitely getting better. My problem is I need someone to bounce things off, I need someone who has my back 100% that I can be like "hey is this right or wrong?", I'm getting better at making those decisions myself but because I'm so self analytical, I'm constantly making sure I'm doing the "right" thing by other people to the point where I'm kinda not having my own back, I'm working against myself. That's 100% Virgo moon energy 😂
See now your girlfriend has you to bounce shit off and to tell her what's right and wrong, so she can kind of relax with it. When you're on your own you only have yourself to bounce shit off, and if she's like me I'll devil's advocate on myself until I'm exhausted 😂 and I get nowhere.click to expand
Posted by slugYeah so you can be talking to your invisible friend out in public 😂Posted by BumboklaatPosted by slugPosted by Bumboklaat
Hopefully you won't befriend anyone like that ever again.
We all go through shit, some of us learn, some don't. Take it as a hard lesson and look for better.
I do notice virgo energy (like yours) likes to sacrifice a lot, even when it's not needed. My girl has Virgo Venus and Pisces moon. She used to sacrifice for the shadiest people. It took me a couple of years of telling her it was wrong until she finally understood.
I even used to be like that to some extent. But now I just see things as a waste of time and cut them out right away.
For sure, I'm definitely getting better. My problem is I need someone to bounce things off, I need someone who has my back 100% that I can be like "hey is this right or wrong?", I'm getting better at making those decisions myself but because I'm so self analytical, I'm constantly making sure I'm doing the "right" thing by other people to the point where I'm kinda not having my own back, I'm working against myself. That's 100% Virgo moon energy 😂
See now your girlfriend has you to bounce shit off and to tell her what's right and wrong, so she can kind of relax with it. When you're on your own you only have yourself to bounce shit off, and if she's like me I'll devil's advocate on myself until I'm exhausted 😂 and I get nowhere.
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Thats actually what I pictured but no one has ever explained it to me so well. That's virgo energy 😂
My dad actually has Aries sun, Virgo moon. He used to ask my opinion on everything. For me it's usually easy to decide cause I can always fix it (virgo rising) trial by error.
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We all need therapy 😂 I just need a therapist that comes everywhere with me and is invisible... and they can discuss shit with me.click to expand
Posted by slugLmao 😂. You'd attract the right people, that's for sure.Posted by BumboklaatPosted by slugPosted by BumboklaatPosted by slugPosted by Bumboklaat
Hopefully you won't befriend anyone like that ever again.
We all go through shit, some of us learn, some don't. Take it as a hard lesson and look for better.
I do notice virgo energy (like yours) likes to sacrifice a lot, even when it's not needed. My girl has Virgo Venus and Pisces moon. She used to sacrifice for the shadiest people. It took me a couple of years of telling her it was wrong until she finally understood.
I even used to be like that to some extent. But now I just see things as a waste of time and cut them out right away.
For sure, I'm definitely getting better. My problem is I need someone to bounce things off, I need someone who has my back 100% that I can be like "hey is this right or wrong?", I'm getting better at making those decisions myself but because I'm so self analytical, I'm constantly making sure I'm doing the "right" thing by other people to the point where I'm kinda not having my own back, I'm working against myself. That's 100% Virgo moon energy 😂
See now your girlfriend has you to bounce shit off and to tell her what's right and wrong, so she can kind of relax with it. When you're on your own you only have yourself to bounce shit off, and if she's like me I'll devil's advocate on myself until I'm exhausted 😂 and I get nowhere.
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Thats actually what I pictured but no one has ever explained it to me so well. That's virgo energy 😂
My dad actually has Aries sun, Virgo moon. He used to ask my opinion on everything. For me it's usually easy to decide cause I can always fix it (virgo rising) trial by error.
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We all need therapy 😂 I just need a therapist that comes everywhere with me and is invisible... and they can discuss shit with me.
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Yeah so you can be talking to your invisible friend out in public 😂
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Maybe people would leave me the fuck alone then 😂click to expand
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