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Jun 02, 2021Comments: 852 · Posts: 1100 · Topics: 34
Huge update to how I raise my vibration now.
The first thing I do is understand in my mind that raising my vibration means to speed up my life. raising my vibration means I do things to help myself feel good so I can help bring more calmness and intelligence to others. (Mental plane)
I then do things like study about playing the guitar, study about playing chess, work on a book, clean the house, do research on improving my credit, finding ways to help others, organizing the entire house, creating something that helps me feel good even if it takes a long time, looking for a better job, eating better, stop bad addictions, all of these things increase and speed up ones life. (Physical plane)
I also feel this inside. I think of things that help me feel as though I raise my vibration. It's a weird feeling but I will think of things like "I am a child of God, or "I bring calmness , I help to increase calmness in others, life in others,. It's a hard feeling to hold sometimes because the emotional body has been underdeveloped a little. (Emotional/feel plane)
(Can Link to the other side)
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Feb 23, 2023Comments: 50 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 15
Maybe you read people on a different plain than me. Only people that I ever found truly helpful towards others were Water signs and Cancer was leading that by a mile. Others are in some ways self absorbed. I dont think humans are build to help others. I think that's unnatural.
Btw, we started with "Kind" and got to "generous". 2 different things.
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Apr 10, 2016Comments: 4 · Posts: 606 · Topics: 26
Never thought a fixed sign could be so unreliable until I made friends with an Aquarius guy. He's a chronic bailer, despite him saying he misses me since I transferred to a different work location. Despite him saying I'm his favorite person to hang out with. We can only hang out on the weekend, often with an agreement to play games (his suggestion.) We get somewhere and end up spending hours talking. He changes his mind about the games. Or we play and then he decides at some point all by himself that we're done. I don't get mad. I mention it because I'm actually quite flexible and very accommodating and... for every one time we manage to hang out he's already bailed five other times.
He doesn't have kids or a wife. He just cancels because of "stuff" or he's "in a mood" or he's "busy." The guy's 9 years older than me. Didn't know I was really dealing with a teenager.
He bailed on me a few times back in August. I transferred job locales in Sept. We'd make plans, then, "Gotta cancel. Busy." or "Can't make it tomorrow. Sorry." and the like. A few weeks ago, he said he was too busy, and let's look to this weekend to hang out. I was irked. I don't schedule my social life. The few friends I had that couldn't see me lest they "penciled me in," I dumped like yesterdays garbage.
But I made an exception for this guy. We talked of going to a festival together Thursday evening, then hanging out Saturday. He *almost* begged to tag along to the festival with me, honestly. We made the plans Monday night. Less than 24 hrs. later, "Can't make it to the festival but I'll see you Saturday." Fair enough. Another 24 hours later (Wednesday) "Can't make it Saturday. Things came up."
I didn't respond. I wanted to say something like "Why are you such a fucking flake?!" but then he'd probably get all mad and hurt and turn it around back on me like some child, outlandishly claiming I'm somehow limiting his freedom or something stupid like that.
I mean, if you're the type of person that doesn't like to hang out because you're that introverted or whatever, fine. If YOU KNOW you are that unreliable or flaky or moody, fine. Don't make plans. This guy is great, but, Aquarius or not, NO ONE is worth putting up with this shit!
Let's face it, most of the greatest people to have ever existed are all dead now so, don't try to tell me I'm somehow missing out if I let an unstable Aquarius bailer go.
I don't know if he's unconsciously stringing me along (platonically) because he gets something out of it or what. A friendship is a two way street and it needs to be nurtured like any other relationship. Not tended to ONLY when you feel like it or ONLY at your convenience. There's another person at the other end.
If you suck at friendship, fine. No one says you *have* to BE a friend to anyone. Go lock yourself away in your self imposed exile.
But don't tell someone how much they've impacted your life, your career, that they're your favorite person to hang out with, make plans with them, then constantly bail on them because your dependability and follow through are a negative 60.
So given all that, how would YOU deal with such a flaky Aquarius? What makes you guys flakes anyway? Or is this just exclusive to this dude?
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Aug 23, 2021Comments: 3259 · Posts: 1596 · Topics: 1
Some of his behavior is similar to mine but if he's bailing at important times or too often then that's just him, not an Aquarius thing. Could also be he doesn't like you that much.
When I was younger (early 20s) I was terrible at dating cause I'd always prefer my freedom.
I dated one Leo who was super into me and Iiked her cause she was smokin hot at the time, but I let her down so bad and so many times I would miss our Skype chats cause I just didn't really like her besides her looks. I learned from that tho to not waste people's time. So idk seems like he just hasn't learned that lesson.
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Sep 19, 2020Comments: 2911 · Posts: 1600 · Topics: 4
I think in general air signs are the flakiest. 😅
But with all people if someone keeps flaking on you you're not their priority. If someone keeps doing that then they're out. Words mean nothing. Actions speak louder than words.
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Apr 25, 2021Comments: 3561 · Posts: 1115 · Topics: 59
OP are you a man or woman (sorry I forgot)?
If it’s getting to you that he’s bailing and you’re putting more energy into it then I would ditch him personally.
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
I think he enjoys talking to you, but he’s genuinely too busy. Why is he agreeing to your plans initially? He may have people pleasing tendencies and also overestimate the spare time he has on his hands. Perhaps there is a harem of female acquaintances to entertain, and some of them may be more demanding than others 😃