DXP buddy movie

The talented mr bunny


Firebunny gets sent to investigate me for not paying taxes

He’s a fax machine govt attorney that won Mr winsome in high school

I try to lure fire bunny with white strippers coz he himself thinks he is a white person

Then he watches me get a lap dance

Like really watches me with those 4 eyes of his

Later in the night he begs to come back to my place to play video games

As I’m playing video games he stabs me in the back of the head with the bottle he said I was fondling earlier

I die with my butt crack on the floor of my apartment holding an official PlayStation bro controller

Fire bunny tries on my clothes

Which are 4x as large as his

Then the last shot is of him infront of my bathroom mirror putting in some minoxidil on the corners of his forehead and trying to copy my mannerisms

“Oh you so funny Ands” he spoke to himself