Holistic health help needed

Posted by Polyannanana
Just don't worry its effects will decrease and then pass completely.
Similar things happened to me and some of my friends when we stopped using birth control pills.
We felt like we were going crazy but it all passed in a few weeks.
In a week it will start getting better and in a month you will be fine.
Try eating easy healthy meals like oatmeal banana and milk , also meat or protein and a potato and take vitamin c.

Thank you.

I hope it is a few weeks. I was reading on Reddit a lot of women had theirs last for months, and I just don’t feel like I’m in a place in my life right now where I can live through this for several months; weeks would be okay.

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Posted by Polyannanana
Just don't worry its effects will decrease and then pass completely.
Similar things happened to me and some of my friends when we stopped using birth control pills.
We felt like we were going crazy but it all passed in a few weeks.
In a week it will start getting better and in a month you will be fine.
Try eating easy healthy meals like oatmeal banana and milk , also meat or protein and a potato and take vitamin c.

Thank you.

I hope it is a few weeks. I was reading on Reddit a lot of women had theirs last for months, and I just don’t feel like I’m in a place in my life right now where I can allow that.